{"version":3,"file":"directive.js","sources":["src/directive.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport {Disconnectable, Part} from './lit-html';\n\nexport {\n AttributePart,\n BooleanAttributePart,\n ChildPart,\n ElementPart,\n EventPart,\n Part,\n PropertyPart,\n} from './lit-html';\n\nexport interface DirectiveClass {\n new (part: PartInfo): Directive;\n}\n\n/**\n * This utility type extracts the signature of a directive class's render()\n * method so we can use it for the type of the generated directive function.\n */\nexport type DirectiveParameters = Parameters;\n\n/**\n * A generated directive function doesn't evaluate the directive, but just\n * returns a DirectiveResult object that captures the arguments.\n */\nexport interface DirectiveResult {\n /**\n * This property needs to remain unminified.\n * @internal */\n ['_$litDirective$']: C;\n /** @internal */\n values: DirectiveParameters>;\n}\n\nexport const PartType = {\n ATTRIBUTE: 1,\n CHILD: 2,\n PROPERTY: 3,\n BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE: 4,\n EVENT: 5,\n ELEMENT: 6,\n} as const;\n\nexport type PartType = typeof PartType[keyof typeof PartType];\n\nexport interface ChildPartInfo {\n readonly type: typeof PartType.CHILD;\n}\n\nexport interface AttributePartInfo {\n readonly type:\n | typeof PartType.ATTRIBUTE\n | typeof PartType.PROPERTY\n | typeof PartType.BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE\n | typeof PartType.EVENT;\n readonly strings?: ReadonlyArray;\n readonly name: string;\n readonly tagName: string;\n}\n\nexport interface ElementPartInfo {\n readonly type: typeof PartType.ELEMENT;\n}\n\n/**\n * Information about the part a directive is bound to.\n *\n * This is useful for checking that a directive is attached to a valid part,\n * such as with directive that can only be used on attribute bindings.\n */\nexport type PartInfo = ChildPartInfo | AttributePartInfo | ElementPartInfo;\n\n/**\n * Creates a user-facing directive function from a Directive class. This\n * function has the same parameters as the directive's render() method.\n */\nexport const directive =\n (c: C) =>\n (...values: DirectiveParameters>): DirectiveResult => ({\n // This property needs to remain unminified.\n ['_$litDirective$']: c,\n values,\n });\n\n/**\n * Base class for creating custom directives. Users should extend this class,\n * implement `render` and/or `update`, and then pass their subclass to\n * `directive`.\n */\nexport abstract class Directive implements Disconnectable {\n //@internal\n __part!: Part;\n //@internal\n __attributeIndex: number | undefined;\n //@internal\n __directive?: Directive;\n\n //@internal\n _$parent!: Disconnectable;\n\n // These will only exist on the AsyncDirective subclass\n //@internal\n _$disconnectableChildren?: Set;\n // This property needs to remain unminified.\n //@internal\n ['_$notifyDirectiveConnectionChanged']?(isConnected: boolean): void;\n\n constructor(_partInfo: PartInfo) {}\n\n // See comment in Disconnectable interface for why this is a getter\n get _$isConnected() {\n return this._$parent._$isConnected;\n }\n\n /** @internal */\n _$initialize(\n part: Part,\n parent: Disconnectable,\n attributeIndex: number | undefined\n ) {\n this.__part = part;\n this._$parent = parent;\n this.__attributeIndex = attributeIndex;\n }\n /** @internal */\n _$resolve(part: Part, props: Array): unknown {\n return this.update(part, props);\n }\n\n abstract render(...props: Array): unknown;\n\n update(_part: Part, props: Array): unknown {\n return this.render(...props);\n }\n}\n"],"names":["PartType","ATTRIBUTE","CHILD","PROPERTY","BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE","EVENT","ELEMENT","directive","c","values","_$litDirective$","Directive","constructor","_partInfo","_$isConnected","this","_$parent","_$initialize","part","parent","attributeIndex","__part","__attributeIndex","_$resolve","props","update","_part","render"],"mappings":";;;;;MAyCaA,EAAW,CACtBC,UAAW,EACXC,MAAO,EACPC,SAAU,EACVC,kBAAmB,EACnBC,MAAO,EACPC,QAAS,GAoCEC,EACgBC,GAC3B,IAAIC,MAEFC,gBAAqBF,EACrBC,OAAAA,UAQkBE,EAkBpBC,YAAYC,IAGRC,WACF,OAAOC,KAAKC,KAASF,KAIvBG,KACEC,EACAC,EACAC,GAEAL,KAAKM,KAASH,EACdH,KAAKC,KAAWG,EAChBJ,KAAKO,KAAmBF,EAG1BG,KAAUL,EAAYM,GACpB,OAAOT,KAAKU,OAAOP,EAAMM,GAK3BC,OAAOC,EAAaF,GAClB,OAAOT,KAAKY,UAAUH"}