localForage-getItems ==================== [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/localforage-getitems.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/localforage-getitems) Adds getItems method to [localForage](https://github.com/mozilla/localForage). ## Requirements * [localForage](https://github.com/mozilla/localForage) v1.4.0+ * for earlier versions of localforage, please use the v1.1.x releases ## Installation `npm i localforage-getitems` ## jsperf links * [default driver order (indexedDB prefered)](https://jsperf.com/localforage-getitems-2017/1) * [websql (not for firefox)](https://jsperf.com/localforage-getitems-websql-2017b/1) ## API Just like `getItem()` but you can pass an array with the keys that need to be retrieved. ```js var keys = ['asdf','asap','async']; localforage.getItems(keys).then(function(results) { console.log(results); // prints: // { // asdf: 'asdf value!', // asap: 'asap value!', // async: 'async value!' // } console.log(results.asdf); console.log(results['asdf']); console.log(results[keys[0]]); // all the above print 'asdf value!' }); ``` Invoking `getItems()` without arguments (or with `null` as the first argument) will retrieve all the items of the current driver instance. ```js localforage.getItems().then(function(results) { }); // or by using callbacks localforage.getItems(null, function(results) { }); ```