# lit-html 2.0 Efficient, Expressive, Extensible HTML templates in JavaScript [![Build Status](https://github.com/lit/lit/workflows/Tests/badge.svg)](https://github.com/lit/lit/actions?query=workflow%3ATests) [![Published on npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/lit-html/next)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/lit-html) [![Join our Slack](https://img.shields.io/badge/slack-join%20chat-4a154b.svg)](https://www.polymer-project.org/slack-invite) [![Mentioned in Awesome Lit](https://awesome.re/mentioned-badge.svg)](https://github.com/web-padawan/awesome-lit) lit-html is the template system that powers the [Lit](https://lit.dev) library for building fast web components. When using `lit-html` to develop web components, most users should import lit-html via the [`lit`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/lit) package rather than installing and importing from `lit-html` directly. ## About this release This is a stable release of `lit-html` 2.0 (part of the Lit 2.0 release). If upgrading from previous versions of `lit-html`, please note the minor breaking changes from lit-html 1.0 in the [Upgrade Guide](https://lit.dev/docs/releases/upgrade/). ## Documentation Full documentation is available at [lit.dev](https://lit.dev). ## Overview `lit-html` lets you write [HTML templates](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/template) in JavaScript with [template literals](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals). lit-html templates are plain JavaScript and combine the familiarity of writing HTML with the power of JavaScript. lit-html takes care of efficiently rendering templates to DOM, including efficiently updating the DOM with new values. ```javascript import {html, render} from 'lit-html'; // This is a lit-html template function. It returns a lit-html template. const helloTemplate = (name) => html`
Hello ${name}!
`; // This renders
Hello Steve!
to the document body render(helloTemplate('Steve'), document.body); // This updates to
Hello Kevin!
, but only updates the ${name} part render(helloTemplate('Kevin'), document.body); ``` `lit-html` provides two main exports: - `html`: A JavaScript [template tag](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals#Tagged_template_literals) used to produce a `TemplateResult`, which is a container for a template, and the values that should populate the template. - `render()`: A function that renders a `TemplateResult` to a DOM container, such as an element or shadow root. ## Installation ```bash $ npm install lit-html ``` Or use from `lit`: ```bash $ npm install lit ``` ## Contributing Please see [CONTRIBUTING.md](../../CONTRIBUTING.md).