{ "name": "postcss-clean", "version": "1.2.0", "description": "PostCSS plugin to minify CSS with clean-css", "author": { "name": "Leo Di Donato", "email": "leodidonato@gmail.com", "url": "http://git.io/leodido" }, "engines": { "node": ">=8.0.0" }, "license": "MIT", "repository": "leodido/postcss-clean", "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/leodido/postcss-clean/issues" }, "homepage": "https://github.com/leodido/postcss-clean", "main": "index.js", "module": "index.m.js", "dependencies": { "clean-css": "^4.1", "postcss": "^8.x" }, "devDependencies": { "ava": "^0.18", "babel-eslint": "^6.0", "buble": "^0.15", "conventional-changelog-cli": "^2.1", "coveralls": "^3.1", "eslint": "^2.8", "eslint-config-defaults": "^9.0", "nyc": "^15.1", "rollup": "^0.41", "rollup-plugin-buble": "^0.15" }, "scripts": { "clean": "rm -f $npm_package_main *.log && rm -rf coverage .nyc_output", "lint": "eslint $npm_package_jsnext:main test.js rollup.config.js", "develop": "BUILD_ENV=dev rollup -c rollup.config.js", "distrib": "rollup -c rollup.config.js", "pretest": "npm run lint && npm run develop", "test": "nyc ava --verbose --serial", "coverage": "nyc report --cache --reporter=text-summary --reporter=lcov", "report": "nyc report --reporter=html", "prepublish": "npm run distrib", "changelog": "conventional-changelog -p eslint -i CHANGELOG.md -s", "changelog:edit": "$(git var GIT_EDITOR) CHANGELOG.md", "from:master": "[ $(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD --short) = \"master\" ]", "preversion": "npm run from:master && npm run distrib", "version": "npm run changelog && npm run changelog:edit && git add CHANGELOG.md", "postversion": "git push && git push --tags" }, "eslintConfig": { "extends": "eslint-config-defaults", "parser": "babel-eslint", "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 6, "sourceType": "module" }, "globals": { "Promise": true }, "env": { "es6": true } }, "keywords": [ "postcss", "css", "postcss-plugin", "clean-css", "minifier", "minify", "minification", "optimisation", "optimization", "optimise", "optimize", "compress", "compression" ] }