# temp-write [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/temp-write.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/temp-write) > Write string/buffer/stream to a random temp file ## Install ``` $ npm install temp-write ``` ## Usage ```js const fs = require('fs'); const tempWrite = require('temp-write'); const filePath = tempWrite.sync('unicorn'); //=> '/var/folders/_1/tk89k8215ts0rg0kmb096nj80000gn/T/4049f192-43e7-43b2-98d9-094e6760861b' fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); //=> 'unicorn' tempWrite.sync('unicorn', 'pony.png'); //=> '/var/folders/_1/tk89k8215ts0rg0kmb096nj80000gn/T/4049f192-43e7-43b2-98d9-094e6760861b/pony.png' tempWrite.sync('unicorn', 'rainbow/cake/pony.png'); //=> '/var/folders/_1/tk89k8215ts0rg0kmb096nj80000gn/T/4049f192-43e7-43b2-98d9-094e6760861b/rainbow/cake/pony.png' ``` ## API ### tempWrite(fileContent, [filePath]) Returns a `Promise` for the file path of the temp file. ### tempWrite.sync(fileContent, [filePath]) Returns the file path of the temp file. #### fileContent Type: `string | Buffer | stream.Readable` Data to write to the temp file. Streams are supported only with the async API. #### filePath Type: `string`
Examples: `'img.png'` `'foo/bar/baz.png'` Optionally supply a file path which is appended to the random path. ## Related - [tempy](https://github.com/sindresorhus/tempy) - Get a random temporary file or directory path ## License MIT © [Sindre Sorhus](https://sindresorhus.com)