123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237 |
- // to GET CONTENTS for folder at PATH (which may be a PACKAGE):
- // - if PACKAGE, read path/package.json
- // - if bins in ../node_modules/.bin, add those to result
- // - if depth >= maxDepth, add PATH to result, and finish
- // - readdir(PATH, with file types)
- // - add all FILEs in PATH to result
- // - if PARENT:
- // - if depth < maxDepth, add GET CONTENTS of all DIRs in PATH
- // - else, add all DIRs in PATH
- // - if no parent
- // - if no bundled deps,
- // - if depth < maxDepth, add GET CONTENTS of DIRs in path except
- // node_modules
- // - else, add all DIRs in path other than node_modules
- // - if has bundled deps,
- // - get list of bundled deps
- // - add GET CONTENTS of bundled deps, PACKAGE=true, depth + 1
- const bundled = require('npm-bundled')
- const {promisify} = require('util')
- const fs = require('fs')
- const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile)
- const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir)
- const stat = promisify(fs.stat)
- const lstat = promisify(fs.lstat)
- const {relative, resolve, basename, dirname} = require('path')
- const normalizePackageBin = require('npm-normalize-package-bin')
- const readPackage = ({ path, packageJsonCache }) =>
- packageJsonCache.has(path) ? Promise.resolve(packageJsonCache.get(path))
- : readFile(path).then(json => {
- const pkg = normalizePackageBin(JSON.parse(json))
- packageJsonCache.set(path, pkg)
- return pkg
- })
- .catch(er => null)
- // just normalize bundle deps and bin, that's all we care about here.
- const normalized = Symbol('package data has been normalized')
- const rpj = ({ path, packageJsonCache }) =>
- readPackage({path, packageJsonCache})
- .then(pkg => {
- if (!pkg || pkg[normalized])
- return pkg
- if (pkg.bundledDependencies && !pkg.bundleDependencies) {
- pkg.bundleDependencies = pkg.bundledDependencies
- delete pkg.bundledDependencies
- }
- const bd = pkg.bundleDependencies
- if (bd === true) {
- pkg.bundleDependencies = [
- ...Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {}),
- ...Object.keys(pkg.optionalDependencies || {}),
- ]
- }
- if (typeof bd === 'object' && !Array.isArray(bd)) {
- pkg.bundleDependencies = Object.keys(bd)
- }
- pkg[normalized] = true
- return pkg
- })
- const pkgContents = async ({
- path,
- depth,
- currentDepth = 0,
- pkg = null,
- result = null,
- packageJsonCache = null,
- }) => {
- if (!result)
- result = new Set()
- if (!packageJsonCache)
- packageJsonCache = new Map()
- if (pkg === true) {
- return rpj({ path: path + '/package.json', packageJsonCache })
- .then(pkg => pkgContents({
- path,
- depth,
- currentDepth,
- pkg,
- result,
- packageJsonCache,
- }))
- }
- if (pkg) {
- // add all bins to result if they exist
- if (pkg.bin) {
- const dir = dirname(path)
- const base = basename(path)
- const scope = basename(dir)
- const nm = /^@.+/.test(scope) ? dirname(dir) : dir
- const binFiles = []
- Object.keys(pkg.bin).forEach(b => {
- const base = resolve(nm, '.bin', b)
- binFiles.push(base, base + '.cmd', base + '.ps1')
- })
- const bins = await Promise.all(
- binFiles.map(b => stat(b).then(() => b).catch((er) => null))
- )
- bins.filter(b => b).forEach(b => result.add(b))
- }
- }
- if (currentDepth >= depth) {
- result.add(path)
- return result
- }
- // we'll need bundle list later, so get that now in parallel
- const [dirEntries, bundleDeps] = await Promise.all([
- readdir(path, { withFileTypes: true }),
- currentDepth === 0 && pkg && pkg.bundleDependencies
- ? bundled({ path, packageJsonCache }) : null,
- ]).catch(() => [])
- // not a thing, probably a missing folder
- if (!dirEntries)
- return result
- // empty folder, just add the folder itself to the result
- if (!dirEntries.length && !bundleDeps && currentDepth !== 0) {
- result.add(path)
- return result
- }
- const recursePromises = []
- // if we didn't get withFileTypes support, tack that on
- if (typeof dirEntries[0] === 'string') {
- // use a map so we can return a promise, but we mutate dirEntries in place
- // this is much slower than getting the entries from the readdir call,
- // but polyfills support for node versions before 10.10
- await Promise.all(dirEntries.map(async (name, index) => {
- const p = resolve(path, name)
- const st = await lstat(p)
- dirEntries[index] = Object.assign(st, {name})
- }))
- }
- for (const entry of dirEntries) {
- const p = resolve(path, entry.name)
- if (entry.isDirectory() === false) {
- result.add(p)
- continue
- }
- if (currentDepth !== 0 || entry.name !== 'node_modules') {
- if (currentDepth < depth - 1) {
- recursePromises.push(pkgContents({
- path: p,
- packageJsonCache,
- depth,
- currentDepth: currentDepth + 1,
- result,
- }))
- } else {
- result.add(p)
- }
- continue
- }
- }
- if (bundleDeps) {
- // bundle deps are all folders
- // we always recurse to get pkg bins, but if currentDepth is too high,
- // it'll return early before walking their contents.
- recursePromises.push(...bundleDeps.map(dep => {
- const p = resolve(path, 'node_modules', dep)
- return pkgContents({
- path: p,
- packageJsonCache,
- pkg: true,
- depth,
- currentDepth: currentDepth + 1,
- result,
- })
- }))
- }
- if (recursePromises.length)
- await Promise.all(recursePromises)
- return result
- }
- module.exports = ({path, depth = 1, packageJsonCache}) => pkgContents({
- path: resolve(path),
- depth,
- pkg: true,
- packageJsonCache,
- }).then(results => [...results])
- if (require.main === module) {
- const options = { path: null, depth: 1 }
- const usage = `Usage:
- installed-package-contents <path> [-d<n> --depth=<n>]
- Lists the files installed for a package specified by <path>.
- Options:
- -d<n> --depth=<n> Provide a numeric value ("Infinity" is allowed)
- to specify how deep in the file tree to traverse.
- Default=1
- -h --help Show this usage information`
- process.argv.slice(2).forEach(arg => {
- let match
- if ((match = arg.match(/^--depth=([0-9]+|Infinity)/)) ||
- (match = arg.match(/^-d([0-9]+|Infinity)/)))
- options.depth = +match[1]
- else if (arg === '-h' || arg === '--help') {
- console.log(usage)
- process.exit(0)
- } else
- options.path = arg
- })
- if (!options.path) {
- console.error('ERROR: no path provided')
- console.error(usage)
- process.exit(1)
- }
- const cwd = process.cwd()
- module.exports(options)
- .then(list => list.sort().forEach(p => console.log(relative(cwd, p))))
- .catch(/* istanbul ignore next - pretty unusual */ er => {
- console.error(er)
- process.exit(1)
- })
- }