prefixes.js 22 KB

  1. let unpack = require('caniuse-lite').feature
  2. function browsersSort(a, b) {
  3. a = a.split(' ')
  4. b = b.split(' ')
  5. if (a[0] > b[0]) {
  6. return 1
  7. } else if (a[0] < b[0]) {
  8. return -1
  9. } else {
  10. return Math.sign(parseFloat(a[1]) - parseFloat(b[1]))
  11. }
  12. }
  13. // Convert Can I Use data
  14. function f(data, opts, callback) {
  15. data = unpack(data)
  16. if (!callback) {
  17. ;[callback, opts] = [opts, {}]
  18. }
  19. let match = opts.match || /\sx($|\s)/
  20. let need = []
  21. for (let browser in data.stats) {
  22. let versions = data.stats[browser]
  23. for (let version in versions) {
  24. let support = versions[version]
  25. if (support.match(match)) {
  26. need.push(browser + ' ' + version)
  27. }
  28. }
  29. }
  30. callback(need.sort(browsersSort))
  31. }
  32. // Add data for all properties
  33. let result = {}
  34. function prefix(names, data) {
  35. for (let name of names) {
  36. result[name] = Object.assign({}, data)
  37. }
  38. }
  39. function add(names, data) {
  40. for (let name of names) {
  41. result[name].browsers = result[name].browsers
  42. .concat(data.browsers)
  43. .sort(browsersSort)
  44. }
  45. }
  46. module.exports = result
  47. // Border Radius
  48. let prefixBorderRadius = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/border-radius')
  49. f(prefixBorderRadius, browsers =>
  50. prefix(
  51. [
  52. 'border-radius',
  53. 'border-top-left-radius',
  54. 'border-top-right-radius',
  55. 'border-bottom-right-radius',
  56. 'border-bottom-left-radius'
  57. ],
  58. {
  59. mistakes: ['-khtml-', '-ms-', '-o-'],
  60. feature: 'border-radius',
  61. browsers
  62. }
  63. )
  64. )
  65. // Box Shadow
  66. let prefixBoxshadow = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-boxshadow')
  67. f(prefixBoxshadow, browsers =>
  68. prefix(['box-shadow'], {
  69. mistakes: ['-khtml-'],
  70. feature: 'css-boxshadow',
  71. browsers
  72. })
  73. )
  74. // Animation
  75. let prefixAnimation = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-animation')
  76. f(prefixAnimation, browsers =>
  77. prefix(
  78. [
  79. 'animation',
  80. 'animation-name',
  81. 'animation-duration',
  82. 'animation-delay',
  83. 'animation-direction',
  84. 'animation-fill-mode',
  85. 'animation-iteration-count',
  86. 'animation-play-state',
  87. 'animation-timing-function',
  88. '@keyframes'
  89. ],
  90. {
  91. mistakes: ['-khtml-', '-ms-'],
  92. feature: 'css-animation',
  93. browsers
  94. }
  95. )
  96. )
  97. // Transition
  98. let prefixTransition = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-transitions')
  99. f(prefixTransition, browsers =>
  100. prefix(
  101. [
  102. 'transition',
  103. 'transition-property',
  104. 'transition-duration',
  105. 'transition-delay',
  106. 'transition-timing-function'
  107. ],
  108. {
  109. mistakes: ['-khtml-', '-ms-'],
  110. browsers,
  111. feature: 'css-transitions'
  112. }
  113. )
  114. )
  115. // Transform 2D
  116. let prefixTransform2d = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/transforms2d')
  117. f(prefixTransform2d, browsers =>
  118. prefix(['transform', 'transform-origin'], {
  119. feature: 'transforms2d',
  120. browsers
  121. })
  122. )
  123. // Transform 3D
  124. let prefixTransforms3d = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/transforms3d')
  125. f(prefixTransforms3d, browsers => {
  126. prefix(['perspective', 'perspective-origin'], {
  127. feature: 'transforms3d',
  128. browsers
  129. })
  130. return prefix(['transform-style'], {
  131. mistakes: ['-ms-', '-o-'],
  132. browsers,
  133. feature: 'transforms3d'
  134. })
  135. })
  136. f(prefixTransforms3d, { match: /y\sx|y\s#2/ }, browsers =>
  137. prefix(['backface-visibility'], {
  138. mistakes: ['-ms-', '-o-'],
  139. feature: 'transforms3d',
  140. browsers
  141. })
  142. )
  143. // Gradients
  144. let prefixGradients = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-gradients')
  145. f(prefixGradients, { match: /y\sx/ }, browsers =>
  146. prefix(
  147. [
  148. 'linear-gradient',
  149. 'repeating-linear-gradient',
  150. 'radial-gradient',
  151. 'repeating-radial-gradient'
  152. ],
  153. {
  154. props: [
  155. 'background',
  156. 'background-image',
  157. 'border-image',
  158. 'mask',
  159. 'list-style',
  160. 'list-style-image',
  161. 'content',
  162. 'mask-image'
  163. ],
  164. mistakes: ['-ms-'],
  165. feature: 'css-gradients',
  166. browsers
  167. }
  168. )
  169. )
  170. f(prefixGradients, { match: /a\sx/ }, browsers => {
  171. browsers = => {
  172. if (/firefox|op/.test(i)) {
  173. return i
  174. } else {
  175. return `${i} old`
  176. }
  177. })
  178. return add(
  179. [
  180. 'linear-gradient',
  181. 'repeating-linear-gradient',
  182. 'radial-gradient',
  183. 'repeating-radial-gradient'
  184. ],
  185. {
  186. feature: 'css-gradients',
  187. browsers
  188. }
  189. )
  190. })
  191. // Box sizing
  192. let prefixBoxsizing = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-boxsizing')
  193. f(prefixBoxsizing, browsers =>
  194. prefix(['box-sizing'], {
  195. feature: 'css3-boxsizing',
  196. browsers
  197. })
  198. )
  199. // Filter Effects
  200. let prefixFilters = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-filters')
  201. f(prefixFilters, browsers =>
  202. prefix(['filter'], {
  203. feature: 'css-filters',
  204. browsers
  205. })
  206. )
  207. // filter() function
  208. let prefixFilterFunction = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-filter-function')
  209. f(prefixFilterFunction, browsers =>
  210. prefix(['filter-function'], {
  211. props: [
  212. 'background',
  213. 'background-image',
  214. 'border-image',
  215. 'mask',
  216. 'list-style',
  217. 'list-style-image',
  218. 'content',
  219. 'mask-image'
  220. ],
  221. feature: 'css-filter-function',
  222. browsers
  223. })
  224. )
  225. // Backdrop-filter
  226. let prefixBackdrop = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-backdrop-filter')
  227. f(prefixBackdrop, { match: /y\sx|y\s#2/ }, browsers =>
  228. prefix(['backdrop-filter'], {
  229. feature: 'css-backdrop-filter',
  230. browsers
  231. })
  232. )
  233. // element() function
  234. let prefixElementFunction = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-element-function')
  235. f(prefixElementFunction, browsers =>
  236. prefix(['element'], {
  237. props: [
  238. 'background',
  239. 'background-image',
  240. 'border-image',
  241. 'mask',
  242. 'list-style',
  243. 'list-style-image',
  244. 'content',
  245. 'mask-image'
  246. ],
  247. feature: 'css-element-function',
  248. browsers
  249. })
  250. )
  251. // Multicolumns
  252. let prefixMulticolumns = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/multicolumn')
  253. f(prefixMulticolumns, browsers => {
  254. prefix(
  255. [
  256. 'columns',
  257. 'column-width',
  258. 'column-gap',
  259. 'column-rule',
  260. 'column-rule-color',
  261. 'column-rule-width',
  262. 'column-count',
  263. 'column-rule-style',
  264. 'column-span',
  265. 'column-fill'
  266. ],
  267. {
  268. feature: 'multicolumn',
  269. browsers
  270. }
  271. )
  272. let noff = browsers.filter(i => !/firefox/.test(i))
  273. prefix(['break-before', 'break-after', 'break-inside'], {
  274. feature: 'multicolumn',
  275. browsers: noff
  276. })
  277. })
  278. // User select
  279. let prefixUserSelect = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/user-select-none')
  280. f(prefixUserSelect, browsers =>
  281. prefix(['user-select'], {
  282. mistakes: ['-khtml-'],
  283. feature: 'user-select-none',
  284. browsers
  285. })
  286. )
  287. // Flexible Box Layout
  288. let prefixFlexbox = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/flexbox')
  289. f(prefixFlexbox, { match: /a\sx/ }, browsers => {
  290. browsers = => {
  291. if (/ie|firefox/.test(i)) {
  292. return i
  293. } else {
  294. return `${i} 2009`
  295. }
  296. })
  297. prefix(['display-flex', 'inline-flex'], {
  298. props: ['display'],
  299. feature: 'flexbox',
  300. browsers
  301. })
  302. prefix(['flex', 'flex-grow', 'flex-shrink', 'flex-basis'], {
  303. feature: 'flexbox',
  304. browsers
  305. })
  306. prefix(
  307. [
  308. 'flex-direction',
  309. 'flex-wrap',
  310. 'flex-flow',
  311. 'justify-content',
  312. 'order',
  313. 'align-items',
  314. 'align-self',
  315. 'align-content'
  316. ],
  317. {
  318. feature: 'flexbox',
  319. browsers
  320. }
  321. )
  322. })
  323. f(prefixFlexbox, { match: /y\sx/ }, browsers => {
  324. add(['display-flex', 'inline-flex'], {
  325. feature: 'flexbox',
  326. browsers
  327. })
  328. add(['flex', 'flex-grow', 'flex-shrink', 'flex-basis'], {
  329. feature: 'flexbox',
  330. browsers
  331. })
  332. add(
  333. [
  334. 'flex-direction',
  335. 'flex-wrap',
  336. 'flex-flow',
  337. 'justify-content',
  338. 'order',
  339. 'align-items',
  340. 'align-self',
  341. 'align-content'
  342. ],
  343. {
  344. feature: 'flexbox',
  345. browsers
  346. }
  347. )
  348. })
  349. // calc() unit
  350. let prefixCalc = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/calc')
  351. f(prefixCalc, browsers =>
  352. prefix(['calc'], {
  353. props: ['*'],
  354. feature: 'calc',
  355. browsers
  356. })
  357. )
  358. // Background options
  359. let prefixBackgroundOptions = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/background-img-opts')
  360. f(prefixBackgroundOptions, browsers =>
  361. prefix(['background-origin', 'background-size'], {
  362. feature: 'background-img-opts',
  363. browsers
  364. })
  365. )
  366. // background-clip: text
  367. let prefixBackgroundClipText = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/background-clip-text')
  368. f(prefixBackgroundClipText, browsers =>
  369. prefix(['background-clip'], {
  370. feature: 'background-clip-text',
  371. browsers
  372. })
  373. )
  374. // Font feature settings
  375. let prefixFontFeature = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/font-feature')
  376. f(prefixFontFeature, browsers =>
  377. prefix(
  378. [
  379. 'font-feature-settings',
  380. 'font-variant-ligatures',
  381. 'font-language-override'
  382. ],
  383. {
  384. feature: 'font-feature',
  385. browsers
  386. }
  387. )
  388. )
  389. // CSS font-kerning property
  390. let prefixFontKerning = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/font-kerning')
  391. f(prefixFontKerning, browsers =>
  392. prefix(['font-kerning'], {
  393. feature: 'font-kerning',
  394. browsers
  395. })
  396. )
  397. // Border image
  398. let prefixBorderImage = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/border-image')
  399. f(prefixBorderImage, browsers =>
  400. prefix(['border-image'], {
  401. feature: 'border-image',
  402. browsers
  403. })
  404. )
  405. // Selection selector
  406. let prefixSelection = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-selection')
  407. f(prefixSelection, browsers =>
  408. prefix(['::selection'], {
  409. selector: true,
  410. feature: 'css-selection',
  411. browsers
  412. })
  413. )
  414. // Placeholder selector
  415. let prefixPlaceholder = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-placeholder')
  416. f(prefixPlaceholder, browsers => {
  417. prefix(['::placeholder'], {
  418. selector: true,
  419. feature: 'css-placeholder',
  420. browsers: browsers.concat(['ie 10 old', 'ie 11 old', 'firefox 18 old'])
  421. })
  422. })
  423. // Placeholder-shown selector
  424. let prefixPlaceholderShown = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-placeholder-shown')
  425. f(prefixPlaceholderShown, browsers => {
  426. prefix([':placeholder-shown'], {
  427. selector: true,
  428. feature: 'css-placeholder-shown',
  429. browsers
  430. })
  431. })
  432. // Hyphenation
  433. let prefixHyphens = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-hyphens')
  434. f(prefixHyphens, browsers =>
  435. prefix(['hyphens'], {
  436. feature: 'css-hyphens',
  437. browsers
  438. })
  439. )
  440. // Fullscreen selector
  441. let prefixFullscreen = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/fullscreen')
  442. f(prefixFullscreen, browsers =>
  443. prefix([':fullscreen'], {
  444. selector: true,
  445. feature: 'fullscreen',
  446. browsers
  447. })
  448. )
  449. f(prefixFullscreen, { match: /x(\s#2|$)/ }, browsers =>
  450. prefix(['::backdrop'], {
  451. selector: true,
  452. feature: 'fullscreen',
  453. browsers
  454. })
  455. )
  456. // File selector button
  457. let prefixFileSelectorButton = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-file-selector-button')
  458. f(prefixFileSelectorButton, browsers =>
  459. prefix(['::file-selector-button'], {
  460. selector: true,
  461. feature: 'file-selector-button',
  462. browsers
  463. })
  464. )
  465. // :autofill
  466. let prefixAutofill = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-autofill')
  467. f(prefixAutofill, browsers =>
  468. prefix([':autofill'], {
  469. selector: true,
  470. feature: 'css-autofill',
  471. browsers
  472. })
  473. )
  474. // Tab size
  475. let prefixTabsize = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-tabsize')
  476. f(prefixTabsize, browsers =>
  477. prefix(['tab-size'], {
  478. feature: 'css3-tabsize',
  479. browsers
  480. })
  481. )
  482. // Intrinsic & extrinsic sizing
  483. let prefixIntrinsic = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/intrinsic-width')
  484. let sizeProps = [
  485. 'width',
  486. 'min-width',
  487. 'max-width',
  488. 'height',
  489. 'min-height',
  490. 'max-height',
  491. 'inline-size',
  492. 'min-inline-size',
  493. 'max-inline-size',
  494. 'block-size',
  495. 'min-block-size',
  496. 'max-block-size',
  497. 'grid',
  498. 'grid-template',
  499. 'grid-template-rows',
  500. 'grid-template-columns',
  501. 'grid-auto-columns',
  502. 'grid-auto-rows'
  503. ]
  504. f(prefixIntrinsic, browsers =>
  505. prefix(['max-content', 'min-content'], {
  506. props: sizeProps,
  507. feature: 'intrinsic-width',
  508. browsers
  509. })
  510. )
  511. f(prefixIntrinsic, { match: /x|\s#4/ }, browsers =>
  512. prefix(['fill', 'fill-available'], {
  513. props: sizeProps,
  514. feature: 'intrinsic-width',
  515. browsers
  516. })
  517. )
  518. f(prefixIntrinsic, { match: /x|\s#5/ }, browsers =>
  519. prefix(['fit-content'], {
  520. props: sizeProps,
  521. feature: 'intrinsic-width',
  522. browsers
  523. })
  524. )
  525. // Stretch value
  526. let prefixStretch = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-width-stretch')
  527. f(prefixStretch, browsers =>
  528. prefix(['stretch'], {
  529. props: sizeProps,
  530. feature: 'css-width-stretch',
  531. browsers
  532. })
  533. )
  534. // Zoom cursors
  535. let prefixCursorsNewer = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-cursors-newer')
  536. f(prefixCursorsNewer, browsers =>
  537. prefix(['zoom-in', 'zoom-out'], {
  538. props: ['cursor'],
  539. feature: 'css3-cursors-newer',
  540. browsers
  541. })
  542. )
  543. // Grab cursors
  544. let prefixCursorsGrab = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-cursors-grab')
  545. f(prefixCursorsGrab, browsers =>
  546. prefix(['grab', 'grabbing'], {
  547. props: ['cursor'],
  548. feature: 'css3-cursors-grab',
  549. browsers
  550. })
  551. )
  552. // Sticky position
  553. let prefixSticky = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-sticky')
  554. f(prefixSticky, browsers =>
  555. prefix(['sticky'], {
  556. props: ['position'],
  557. feature: 'css-sticky',
  558. browsers
  559. })
  560. )
  561. // Pointer Events
  562. let prefixPointer = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/pointer')
  563. f(prefixPointer, browsers =>
  564. prefix(['touch-action'], {
  565. feature: 'pointer',
  566. browsers
  567. })
  568. )
  569. // Text decoration
  570. let prefixDecoration = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/text-decoration')
  571. f(prefixDecoration, browsers =>
  572. prefix(
  573. [
  574. 'text-decoration-style',
  575. 'text-decoration-color',
  576. 'text-decoration-line',
  577. 'text-decoration'
  578. ],
  579. {
  580. feature: 'text-decoration',
  581. browsers
  582. }
  583. )
  584. )
  585. f(prefixDecoration, { match: /x.*#[235]/ }, browsers =>
  586. prefix(['text-decoration-skip', 'text-decoration-skip-ink'], {
  587. feature: 'text-decoration',
  588. browsers
  589. })
  590. )
  591. // Text Size Adjust
  592. let prefixTextSizeAdjust = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/text-size-adjust')
  593. f(prefixTextSizeAdjust, browsers =>
  594. prefix(['text-size-adjust'], {
  595. feature: 'text-size-adjust',
  596. browsers
  597. })
  598. )
  599. // CSS Masks
  600. let prefixCssMasks = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-masks')
  601. f(prefixCssMasks, browsers => {
  602. prefix(
  603. [
  604. 'mask-clip',
  605. 'mask-composite',
  606. 'mask-image',
  607. 'mask-origin',
  608. 'mask-repeat',
  609. 'mask-border-repeat',
  610. 'mask-border-source'
  611. ],
  612. {
  613. feature: 'css-masks',
  614. browsers
  615. }
  616. )
  617. prefix(
  618. [
  619. 'mask',
  620. 'mask-position',
  621. 'mask-size',
  622. 'mask-border',
  623. 'mask-border-outset',
  624. 'mask-border-width',
  625. 'mask-border-slice'
  626. ],
  627. {
  628. feature: 'css-masks',
  629. browsers
  630. }
  631. )
  632. })
  633. // CSS clip-path property
  634. let prefixClipPath = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-clip-path')
  635. f(prefixClipPath, browsers =>
  636. prefix(['clip-path'], {
  637. feature: 'css-clip-path',
  638. browsers
  639. })
  640. )
  641. // Fragmented Borders and Backgrounds
  642. let prefixBoxdecoration = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-boxdecorationbreak')
  643. f(prefixBoxdecoration, browsers =>
  644. prefix(['box-decoration-break'], {
  645. feature: 'css-boxdecorationbreak',
  646. browsers
  647. })
  648. )
  649. // CSS3 object-fit/object-position
  650. let prefixObjectFit = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/object-fit')
  651. f(prefixObjectFit, browsers =>
  652. prefix(['object-fit', 'object-position'], {
  653. feature: 'object-fit',
  654. browsers
  655. })
  656. )
  657. // CSS Shapes
  658. let prefixShapes = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-shapes')
  659. f(prefixShapes, browsers =>
  660. prefix(['shape-margin', 'shape-outside', 'shape-image-threshold'], {
  661. feature: 'css-shapes',
  662. browsers
  663. })
  664. )
  665. // CSS3 text-overflow
  666. let prefixTextOverflow = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/text-overflow')
  667. f(prefixTextOverflow, browsers =>
  668. prefix(['text-overflow'], {
  669. feature: 'text-overflow',
  670. browsers
  671. })
  672. )
  673. // Viewport at-rule
  674. let prefixDeviceadaptation = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-deviceadaptation')
  675. f(prefixDeviceadaptation, browsers =>
  676. prefix(['@viewport'], {
  677. feature: 'css-deviceadaptation',
  678. browsers
  679. })
  680. )
  681. // Resolution Media Queries
  682. let prefixResolut = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-media-resolution')
  683. f(prefixResolut, { match: /( x($| )|a #2)/ }, browsers =>
  684. prefix(['@resolution'], {
  685. feature: 'css-media-resolution',
  686. browsers
  687. })
  688. )
  689. // CSS text-align-last
  690. let prefixTextAlignLast = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-align-last')
  691. f(prefixTextAlignLast, browsers =>
  692. prefix(['text-align-last'], {
  693. feature: 'css-text-align-last',
  694. browsers
  695. })
  696. )
  697. // Crisp Edges Image Rendering Algorithm
  698. let prefixCrispedges = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-crisp-edges')
  699. f(prefixCrispedges, { match: /y x|a x #1/ }, browsers =>
  700. prefix(['pixelated'], {
  701. props: ['image-rendering'],
  702. feature: 'css-crisp-edges',
  703. browsers
  704. })
  705. )
  706. f(prefixCrispedges, { match: /a x #2/ }, browsers =>
  707. prefix(['image-rendering'], {
  708. feature: 'css-crisp-edges',
  709. browsers
  710. })
  711. )
  712. // Logical Properties
  713. let prefixLogicalProps = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-logical-props')
  714. f(prefixLogicalProps, browsers =>
  715. prefix(
  716. [
  717. 'border-inline-start',
  718. 'border-inline-end',
  719. 'margin-inline-start',
  720. 'margin-inline-end',
  721. 'padding-inline-start',
  722. 'padding-inline-end'
  723. ],
  724. {
  725. feature: 'css-logical-props',
  726. browsers
  727. }
  728. )
  729. )
  730. f(prefixLogicalProps, { match: /x\s#2/ }, browsers =>
  731. prefix(
  732. [
  733. 'border-block-start',
  734. 'border-block-end',
  735. 'margin-block-start',
  736. 'margin-block-end',
  737. 'padding-block-start',
  738. 'padding-block-end'
  739. ],
  740. {
  741. feature: 'css-logical-props',
  742. browsers
  743. }
  744. )
  745. )
  746. // CSS appearance
  747. let prefixAppearance = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-appearance')
  748. f(prefixAppearance, { match: /#2|x/ }, browsers =>
  749. prefix(['appearance'], {
  750. feature: 'css-appearance',
  751. browsers
  752. })
  753. )
  754. // CSS Scroll snap points
  755. let prefixSnappoints = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-snappoints')
  756. f(prefixSnappoints, browsers =>
  757. prefix(
  758. [
  759. 'scroll-snap-type',
  760. 'scroll-snap-coordinate',
  761. 'scroll-snap-destination',
  762. 'scroll-snap-points-x',
  763. 'scroll-snap-points-y'
  764. ],
  765. {
  766. feature: 'css-snappoints',
  767. browsers
  768. }
  769. )
  770. )
  771. // CSS Regions
  772. let prefixRegions = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-regions')
  773. f(prefixRegions, browsers =>
  774. prefix(['flow-into', 'flow-from', 'region-fragment'], {
  775. feature: 'css-regions',
  776. browsers
  777. })
  778. )
  779. // CSS image-set
  780. let prefixImageSet = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-image-set')
  781. f(prefixImageSet, browsers =>
  782. prefix(['image-set'], {
  783. props: [
  784. 'background',
  785. 'background-image',
  786. 'border-image',
  787. 'cursor',
  788. 'mask',
  789. 'mask-image',
  790. 'list-style',
  791. 'list-style-image',
  792. 'content'
  793. ],
  794. feature: 'css-image-set',
  795. browsers
  796. })
  797. )
  798. // Writing Mode
  799. let prefixWritingMode = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-writing-mode')
  800. f(prefixWritingMode, { match: /a|x/ }, browsers =>
  801. prefix(['writing-mode'], {
  802. feature: 'css-writing-mode',
  803. browsers
  804. })
  805. )
  806. // Cross-Fade Function
  807. let prefixCrossFade = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-cross-fade')
  808. f(prefixCrossFade, browsers =>
  809. prefix(['cross-fade'], {
  810. props: [
  811. 'background',
  812. 'background-image',
  813. 'border-image',
  814. 'mask',
  815. 'list-style',
  816. 'list-style-image',
  817. 'content',
  818. 'mask-image'
  819. ],
  820. feature: 'css-cross-fade',
  821. browsers
  822. })
  823. )
  824. // Read Only selector
  825. let prefixReadOnly = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-read-only-write')
  826. f(prefixReadOnly, browsers =>
  827. prefix([':read-only', ':read-write'], {
  828. selector: true,
  829. feature: 'css-read-only-write',
  830. browsers
  831. })
  832. )
  833. // Text Emphasize
  834. let prefixTextEmphasis = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/text-emphasis')
  835. f(prefixTextEmphasis, browsers =>
  836. prefix(
  837. [
  838. 'text-emphasis',
  839. 'text-emphasis-position',
  840. 'text-emphasis-style',
  841. 'text-emphasis-color'
  842. ],
  843. {
  844. feature: 'text-emphasis',
  845. browsers
  846. }
  847. )
  848. )
  849. // CSS Grid Layout
  850. let prefixGrid = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-grid')
  851. f(prefixGrid, browsers => {
  852. prefix(['display-grid', 'inline-grid'], {
  853. props: ['display'],
  854. feature: 'css-grid',
  855. browsers
  856. })
  857. prefix(
  858. [
  859. 'grid-template-columns',
  860. 'grid-template-rows',
  861. 'grid-row-start',
  862. 'grid-column-start',
  863. 'grid-row-end',
  864. 'grid-column-end',
  865. 'grid-row',
  866. 'grid-column',
  867. 'grid-area',
  868. 'grid-template',
  869. 'grid-template-areas',
  870. 'place-self'
  871. ],
  872. {
  873. feature: 'css-grid',
  874. browsers
  875. }
  876. )
  877. })
  878. f(prefixGrid, { match: /a x/ }, browsers =>
  879. prefix(['grid-column-align', 'grid-row-align'], {
  880. feature: 'css-grid',
  881. browsers
  882. })
  883. )
  884. // CSS text-spacing
  885. let prefixTextSpacing = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-spacing')
  886. f(prefixTextSpacing, browsers =>
  887. prefix(['text-spacing'], {
  888. feature: 'css-text-spacing',
  889. browsers
  890. })
  891. )
  892. // :any-link selector
  893. let prefixAnyLink = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-any-link')
  894. f(prefixAnyLink, browsers =>
  895. prefix([':any-link'], {
  896. selector: true,
  897. feature: 'css-any-link',
  898. browsers
  899. })
  900. )
  901. // unicode-bidi
  902. let prefixBidi = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-unicode-bidi')
  903. f(prefixBidi, browsers =>
  904. prefix(['isolate'], {
  905. props: ['unicode-bidi'],
  906. feature: 'css-unicode-bidi',
  907. browsers
  908. })
  909. )
  910. f(prefixBidi, { match: /y x|a x #2/ }, browsers =>
  911. prefix(['plaintext'], {
  912. props: ['unicode-bidi'],
  913. feature: 'css-unicode-bidi',
  914. browsers
  915. })
  916. )
  917. f(prefixBidi, { match: /y x/ }, browsers =>
  918. prefix(['isolate-override'], {
  919. props: ['unicode-bidi'],
  920. feature: 'css-unicode-bidi',
  921. browsers
  922. })
  923. )
  924. // overscroll-behavior selector
  925. let prefixOverscroll = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-overscroll-behavior')
  926. f(prefixOverscroll, { match: /a #1/ }, browsers =>
  927. prefix(['overscroll-behavior'], {
  928. feature: 'css-overscroll-behavior',
  929. browsers
  930. })
  931. )
  932. // color-adjust
  933. let prefixColorAdjust = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-color-adjust')
  934. f(prefixColorAdjust, browsers =>
  935. prefix(['color-adjust'], {
  936. feature: 'css-color-adjust',
  937. browsers
  938. })
  939. )
  940. // text-orientation
  941. let prefixTextOrientation = require('caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-orientation')
  942. f(prefixTextOrientation, browsers =>
  943. prefix(['text-orientation'], {
  944. feature: 'css-text-orientation',
  945. browsers
  946. })
  947. )