123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348 |
- 'use strict'
- module.exports = npa
- module.exports.resolve = resolve
- module.exports.Result = Result
- const url = require('url')
- const HostedGit = require('hosted-git-info')
- const semver = require('semver')
- const path = global.FAKE_WINDOWS ? require('path').win32 : require('path')
- const validatePackageName = require('validate-npm-package-name')
- const { homedir } = require('os')
- const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32' || global.FAKE_WINDOWS
- const hasSlashes = isWindows ? /\\|[/]/ : /[/]/
- const isURL = /^(?:git[+])?[a-z]+:/i
- const isGit = /^[^@]+@[^:.]+\.[^:]+:.+$/i
- const isFilename = /[.](?:tgz|tar.gz|tar)$/i
- function npa (arg, where) {
- let name
- let spec
- if (typeof arg === 'object') {
- if (arg instanceof Result && (!where || where === arg.where))
- return arg
- else if (arg.name && arg.rawSpec)
- return npa.resolve(arg.name, arg.rawSpec, where || arg.where)
- else
- return npa(arg.raw, where || arg.where)
- }
- const nameEndsAt = arg[0] === '@' ? arg.slice(1).indexOf('@') + 1 : arg.indexOf('@')
- const namePart = nameEndsAt > 0 ? arg.slice(0, nameEndsAt) : arg
- if (isURL.test(arg))
- spec = arg
- else if (isGit.test(arg))
- spec = `git+ssh://${arg}`
- else if (namePart[0] !== '@' && (hasSlashes.test(namePart) || isFilename.test(namePart)))
- spec = arg
- else if (nameEndsAt > 0) {
- name = namePart
- spec = arg.slice(nameEndsAt + 1)
- } else {
- const valid = validatePackageName(arg)
- if (valid.validForOldPackages)
- name = arg
- else
- spec = arg
- }
- return resolve(name, spec, where, arg)
- }
- const isFilespec = isWindows ? /^(?:[.]|~[/]|[/\\]|[a-zA-Z]:)/ : /^(?:[.]|~[/]|[/]|[a-zA-Z]:)/
- function resolve (name, spec, where, arg) {
- const res = new Result({
- raw: arg,
- name: name,
- rawSpec: spec,
- fromArgument: arg != null,
- })
- if (name)
- res.setName(name)
- if (spec && (isFilespec.test(spec) || /^file:/i.test(spec)))
- return fromFile(res, where)
- else if (spec && /^npm:/i.test(spec))
- return fromAlias(res, where)
- const hosted = HostedGit.fromUrl(spec, {
- noGitPlus: true,
- noCommittish: true,
- })
- if (hosted)
- return fromHostedGit(res, hosted)
- else if (spec && isURL.test(spec))
- return fromURL(res)
- else if (spec && (hasSlashes.test(spec) || isFilename.test(spec)))
- return fromFile(res, where)
- else
- return fromRegistry(res)
- }
- function invalidPackageName (name, valid) {
- const err = new Error(`Invalid package name "${name}": ${valid.errors.join('; ')}`)
- return err
- }
- function invalidTagName (name) {
- const err = new Error(`Invalid tag name "${name}": Tags may not have any characters that encodeURIComponent encodes.`)
- err.code = 'EINVALIDTAGNAME'
- return err
- }
- function Result (opts) {
- this.type = opts.type
- this.registry = opts.registry
- this.where = opts.where
- if (opts.raw == null)
- this.raw = opts.name ? opts.name + '@' + opts.rawSpec : opts.rawSpec
- else
- this.raw = opts.raw
- this.name = undefined
- this.escapedName = undefined
- this.scope = undefined
- this.rawSpec = opts.rawSpec == null ? '' : opts.rawSpec
- this.saveSpec = opts.saveSpec
- this.fetchSpec = opts.fetchSpec
- if (opts.name)
- this.setName(opts.name)
- this.gitRange = opts.gitRange
- this.gitCommittish = opts.gitCommittish
- this.hosted = opts.hosted
- }
- Result.prototype.setName = function (name) {
- const valid = validatePackageName(name)
- if (!valid.validForOldPackages)
- throw invalidPackageName(name, valid)
- this.name = name
- this.scope = name[0] === '@' ? name.slice(0, name.indexOf('/')) : undefined
- // scoped packages in couch must have slash url-encoded, e.g. @foo%2Fbar
- this.escapedName = name.replace('/', '%2f')
- return this
- }
- Result.prototype.toString = function () {
- const full = []
- if (this.name != null && this.name !== '')
- full.push(this.name)
- const spec = this.saveSpec || this.fetchSpec || this.rawSpec
- if (spec != null && spec !== '')
- full.push(spec)
- return full.length ? full.join('@') : this.raw
- }
- Result.prototype.toJSON = function () {
- const result = Object.assign({}, this)
- delete result.hosted
- return result
- }
- function setGitCommittish (res, committish) {
- if (committish != null && committish.length >= 7 && committish.slice(0, 7) === 'semver:') {
- res.gitRange = decodeURIComponent(committish.slice(7))
- res.gitCommittish = null
- } else
- res.gitCommittish = committish === '' ? null : committish
- return res
- }
- function fromFile (res, where) {
- if (!where)
- where = process.cwd()
- res.type = isFilename.test(res.rawSpec) ? 'file' : 'directory'
- res.where = where
- // always put the '/' on where when resolving urls, or else
- // file:foo from /path/to/bar goes to /path/to/foo, when we want
- // it to be /path/to/foo/bar
- let specUrl
- let resolvedUrl
- const prefix = (!/^file:/.test(res.rawSpec) ? 'file:' : '')
- const rawWithPrefix = prefix + res.rawSpec
- let rawNoPrefix = rawWithPrefix.replace(/^file:/, '')
- try {
- resolvedUrl = new url.URL(rawWithPrefix, `file://${path.resolve(where)}/`)
- specUrl = new url.URL(rawWithPrefix)
- } catch (originalError) {
- const er = new Error('Invalid file: URL, must comply with RFC 8909')
- throw Object.assign(er, {
- raw: res.rawSpec,
- spec: res,
- where,
- originalError,
- })
- }
- // environment switch for testing
- if (process.env.NPM_PACKAGE_ARG_8909_STRICT !== '1') {
- // XXX backwards compatibility lack of compliance with 8909
- // Remove when we want a breaking change to come into RFC compliance.
- if (resolvedUrl.host && resolvedUrl.host !== 'localhost') {
- const rawSpec = res.rawSpec.replace(/^file:\/\//, 'file:///')
- resolvedUrl = new url.URL(rawSpec, `file://${path.resolve(where)}/`)
- specUrl = new url.URL(rawSpec)
- rawNoPrefix = rawSpec.replace(/^file:/, '')
- }
- // turn file:/../foo into file:../foo
- if (/^\/\.\.?(\/|$)/.test(rawNoPrefix)) {
- const rawSpec = res.rawSpec.replace(/^file:\//, 'file:')
- resolvedUrl = new url.URL(rawSpec, `file://${path.resolve(where)}/`)
- specUrl = new url.URL(rawSpec)
- rawNoPrefix = rawSpec.replace(/^file:/, '')
- }
- // XXX end 8909 violation backwards compatibility section
- }
- // file:foo - relative url to ./foo
- // file:/foo - absolute path /foo
- // file:///foo - absolute path to /foo, no authority host
- // file://localhost/foo - absolute path to /foo, on localhost
- // file://foo - absolute path to / on foo host (error!)
- if (resolvedUrl.host && resolvedUrl.host !== 'localhost') {
- const msg = `Invalid file: URL, must be absolute if // present`
- throw Object.assign(new Error(msg), {
- raw: res.rawSpec,
- parsed: resolvedUrl,
- })
- }
- // turn /C:/blah into just C:/blah on windows
- let specPath = decodeURIComponent(specUrl.pathname)
- let resolvedPath = decodeURIComponent(resolvedUrl.pathname)
- if (isWindows) {
- specPath = specPath.replace(/^\/+([a-z]:\/)/i, '$1')
- resolvedPath = resolvedPath.replace(/^\/+([a-z]:\/)/i, '$1')
- }
- // replace ~ with homedir, but keep the ~ in the saveSpec
- // otherwise, make it relative to where param
- if (/^\/~(\/|$)/.test(specPath)) {
- res.saveSpec = `file:${specPath.substr(1)}`
- resolvedPath = path.resolve(homedir(), specPath.substr(3))
- } else if (!path.isAbsolute(rawNoPrefix))
- res.saveSpec = `file:${path.relative(where, resolvedPath)}`
- else
- res.saveSpec = `file:${path.resolve(resolvedPath)}`
- res.fetchSpec = path.resolve(where, resolvedPath)
- return res
- }
- function fromHostedGit (res, hosted) {
- res.type = 'git'
- res.hosted = hosted
- res.saveSpec = hosted.toString({ noGitPlus: false, noCommittish: false })
- res.fetchSpec = hosted.getDefaultRepresentation() === 'shortcut' ? null : hosted.toString()
- return setGitCommittish(res, hosted.committish)
- }
- function unsupportedURLType (protocol, spec) {
- const err = new Error(`Unsupported URL Type "${protocol}": ${spec}`)
- return err
- }
- function matchGitScp (spec) {
- // git ssh specifiers are overloaded to also use scp-style git
- // specifiers, so we have to parse those out and treat them special.
- // They are NOT true URIs, so we can't hand them to `url.parse`.
- //
- // This regex looks for things that look like:
- // git+ssh://git@my.custom.git.com:username/project.git#deadbeef
- //
- // ...and various combinations. The username in the beginning is *required*.
- const matched = spec.match(/^git\+ssh:\/\/([^:#]+:[^#]+(?:\.git)?)(?:#(.*))?$/i)
- return matched && !matched[1].match(/:[0-9]+\/?.*$/i) && {
- fetchSpec: matched[1],
- gitCommittish: matched[2] == null ? null : matched[2],
- }
- }
- function fromURL (res) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line node/no-deprecated-api
- const urlparse = url.parse(res.rawSpec)
- res.saveSpec = res.rawSpec
- // check the protocol, and then see if it's git or not
- switch (urlparse.protocol) {
- case 'git:':
- case 'git+http:':
- case 'git+https:':
- case 'git+rsync:':
- case 'git+ftp:':
- case 'git+file:':
- case 'git+ssh:': {
- res.type = 'git'
- const match = urlparse.protocol === 'git+ssh:' ? matchGitScp(res.rawSpec)
- : null
- if (match) {
- setGitCommittish(res, match.gitCommittish)
- res.fetchSpec = match.fetchSpec
- } else {
- setGitCommittish(res, urlparse.hash != null ? urlparse.hash.slice(1) : '')
- urlparse.protocol = urlparse.protocol.replace(/^git[+]/, '')
- if (urlparse.protocol === 'file:' && /^git\+file:\/\/[a-z]:/i.test(res.rawSpec)) {
- // keep the drive letter : on windows file paths
- urlparse.host += ':'
- urlparse.hostname += ':'
- }
- delete urlparse.hash
- res.fetchSpec = url.format(urlparse)
- }
- break
- }
- case 'http:':
- case 'https:':
- res.type = 'remote'
- res.fetchSpec = res.saveSpec
- break
- default:
- throw unsupportedURLType(urlparse.protocol, res.rawSpec)
- }
- return res
- }
- function fromAlias (res, where) {
- const subSpec = npa(res.rawSpec.substr(4), where)
- if (subSpec.type === 'alias')
- throw new Error('nested aliases not supported')
- if (!subSpec.registry)
- throw new Error('aliases only work for registry deps')
- res.subSpec = subSpec
- res.registry = true
- res.type = 'alias'
- res.saveSpec = null
- res.fetchSpec = null
- return res
- }
- function fromRegistry (res) {
- res.registry = true
- const spec = res.rawSpec === '' ? 'latest' : res.rawSpec.trim()
- // no save spec for registry components as we save based on the fetched
- // version, not on the argument so this can't compute that.
- res.saveSpec = null
- res.fetchSpec = spec
- const version = semver.valid(spec, true)
- const range = semver.validRange(spec, true)
- if (version)
- res.type = 'version'
- else if (range)
- res.type = 'range'
- else {
- if (encodeURIComponent(spec) !== spec)
- throw invalidTagName(spec)
- res.type = 'tag'
- }
- return res
- }