package.json 7.4 KB

  1. {
  2. "name": "prettierx",
  3. "version": "0.19.0",
  4. "prettier-version": "2.4.0",
  5. "description": "prettierX - a less opinionated fork of the Prettier code formatter",
  6. "bin": "./bin/prettierx.js",
  7. "repository": "brodybits/prettierx",
  8. "homepage": "",
  9. "license": "MIT",
  10. "main": "./index.js",
  11. "// prettierx package notes": [
  12. "* ''standalone'' usage with browser & unpkg is currently NOT supported",
  13. " (for future consideration) - now ''commented out'' below",
  14. "<!-- -->"
  15. ],
  16. "// browser": "./standalone.js",
  17. "// unpkg": "./standalone.js",
  18. "engines": {
  19. "node": ">=12.17.0"
  20. },
  21. "files": [
  22. "",
  23. "LICENSE",
  24. "",
  25. "index.js",
  26. "src",
  27. "bin"
  28. ],
  29. "// prettierx dependency notes": [
  30. "* installing dependencies from GitHub is not desired in prettierx",
  31. " due to a possible issue with firewalls in certain organizations",
  32. " TEMPORARY EXCEPTION: parse-srcset",
  33. "* using @brodybits/remark-parse fork of remark-parse with",
  34. " updated trim sub-dependency as recommended by:",
  35. "",
  36. "* flow-parser & typescript are moved to devDependencies, and",
  37. " they are specified as optional in peerDependenciesMeta",
  38. "<!-- -->"
  39. ],
  40. "dependencies": {
  41. "@angular/compiler": "12.0.5",
  42. "@babel/code-frame": "7.14.5",
  43. "@babel/parser": "7.14.7",
  44. "@brodybits/remark-parse": "8.0.5",
  45. "@glimmer/syntax": "0.80.0",
  46. "@iarna/toml": "2.2.5",
  47. "@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree": "4.28.2",
  48. "angular-estree-parser": "2.4.0",
  49. "angular-html-parser": "1.8.0",
  50. "camelcase": "6.2.0",
  51. "chalk": "4.1.1",
  52. "ci-info": "3.2.0",
  53. "cjk-regex": "2.0.1",
  54. "cosmiconfig": "7.0.0",
  55. "dashify": "2.0.0",
  56. "diff": "5.0.0",
  57. "editorconfig": "0.15.3",
  58. "editorconfig-to-prettier": "0.2.0",
  59. "escape-string-regexp": "4.0.0",
  60. "espree": "7.3.1",
  61. "esutils": "2.0.3",
  62. "fast-glob": "3.2.6",
  63. "fast-json-stable-stringify": "2.1.0",
  64. "find-parent-dir": "0.3.1",
  65. "get-stdin": "8.0.0",
  66. "globby": "11.0.4",
  67. "graphql": "15.5.1",
  68. "html-element-attributes": "2.3.0",
  69. "html-styles": "1.0.0",
  70. "html-tag-names": "1.1.5",
  71. "html-void-elements": "1.0.5",
  72. "ignore": "4.0.6",
  73. "jest-docblock": "27.0.6",
  74. "json5": "2.2.0",
  75. "leven": "3.1.0",
  76. "lines-and-columns": "1.1.6",
  77. "linguist-languages": "7.15.0",
  78. "lodash": "4.17.21",
  79. "mem": "8.1.1",
  80. "meriyah": "4.1.5",
  81. "minimatch": "3.0.4",
  82. "minimist": "1.2.5",
  83. "n-readlines": "1.0.1",
  84. "outdent": "0.8.0",
  85. "parse-srcset": "ikatyang/parse-srcset#54eb9c1cb21db5c62b4d0e275d7249516df6f0ee",
  86. "please-upgrade-node": "3.2.0",
  87. "postcss": "8.3.5",
  88. "postcss-less": "4.0.1",
  89. "postcss-media-query-parser": "0.2.3",
  90. "postcss-scss": "3.0.2",
  91. "postcss-selector-parser": "2.2.3",
  92. "postcss-values-parser": "2.0.1",
  93. "regexp-util": "1.2.2",
  94. "remark-footnotes": "2.0.0",
  95. "remark-math": "3.0.1",
  96. "resolve": "1.20.0",
  97. "semver": "7.3.5",
  98. "string-width": "4.2.2",
  99. "strip-ansi": "6.0.0",
  100. "unicode-regex": "3.0.0",
  101. "unified": "9.2.1",
  102. "vnopts": "1.0.2",
  103. "wcwidth": "1.0.1",
  104. "yaml-unist-parser": "1.3.1"
  105. },
  106. "devDependencies": {
  107. "@babel/core": "7.14.6",
  108. "@babel/preset-env": "7.14.7",
  109. "@babel/types": "7.14.5",
  110. "@glimmer/reference": "0.80.0",
  111. "@rollup/plugin-alias": "3.1.2",
  112. "@rollup/plugin-babel": "5.3.0",
  113. "@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "18.1.0",
  114. "@rollup/plugin-json": "4.1.0",
  115. "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "13.0.0",
  116. "@rollup/plugin-replace": "2.4.2",
  117. "@types/estree": "0.0.49",
  118. "babel-jest": "27.0.6",
  119. "babel-loader": "8.2.2",
  120. "benchmark": "2.1.4",
  121. "builtin-modules": "3.2.0",
  122. "core-js": "3.15.2",
  123. "cross-env": "7.0.3",
  124. "cspell": "4.2.8",
  125. "eslint": "7.30.0",
  126. "eslint-config-prettier": "8.3.0",
  127. "eslint-formatter-friendly": "7.0.0",
  128. "eslint-plugin-import": "2.23.4",
  129. "eslint-plugin-jest": "24.3.6",
  130. "eslint-plugin-prettier-internal-rules": "file:./scripts/tools/eslint-plugin-prettier-internal-rules",
  131. "eslint-plugin-react": "7.24.0",
  132. "eslint-plugin-regexp": "0.13.0",
  133. "eslint-plugin-unicorn": "34.0.1",
  134. "esm-utils": "1.1.0",
  135. "execa": "5.1.1",
  136. "flow-parser": "0.154.0",
  137. "jest": "27.0.6",
  138. "jest-snapshot-serializer-ansi": "1.0.0",
  139. "jest-snapshot-serializer-raw": "1.2.0",
  140. "jest-watch-typeahead": "0.6.4",
  141. "npm-run-all": "4.1.5",
  142. "path-browserify": "1.0.1",
  143. "prettier": "2.3.2",
  144. "pretty-bytes": "5.6.0",
  145. "rimraf": "3.0.2",
  146. "rollup": "2.52.7",
  147. "rollup-plugin-polyfill-node": "0.6.2",
  148. "rollup-plugin-terser": "7.0.2",
  149. "shelljs": "0.8.4",
  150. "snapshot-diff": "0.9.0",
  151. "tempy": "1.0.1",
  152. "terser-webpack-plugin": "5.1.4",
  153. "typescript": "4.3.5",
  154. "webpack": "5.42.1"
  155. },
  156. "peerDependenciesMeta": {
  157. "flow-parser": {
  158. "optional": true
  159. },
  160. "typescript": {
  161. "optional": true
  162. }
  163. },
  164. "// prettierx release scripts notes": [
  165. "* prepublishOnly is changed to just log some info",
  166. "* prepare-release script is normally not run on prettierx,",
  167. " use prepare-extra-release instead",
  168. "* build script is normally not run on prettierx,",
  169. " use build-extra-dist instead",
  170. "* keeping build-extra-dist & test:dist scripts to",
  171. " help restore browser build support someday ref:",
  172. "",
  173. "<!-- -->"
  174. ],
  175. "scripts": {
  176. "prepublishOnly": "echo 'now publishing prettierx from project root'",
  177. "prepare-release": "echo 'use prepare-extra-release for prettierx' && exit 1",
  178. "prepare-extra-release": "yarn && yarn build-extra-dist && yarn test:dist",
  179. "test": "jest",
  180. "test:dev-package": "cross-env INSTALL_PACKAGE=1 jest",
  181. "test:dist": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production jest",
  182. "test:dist-standalone": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production TEST_STANDALONE=1 jest",
  183. "test:integration": "jest tests/integration",
  184. "perf:repeat": "yarn && yarn build-extra-dist && cross-env NODE_ENV=production node ./dist/bin-prettierx.js --debug-repeat ${PERF_REPEAT:-1000} --loglevel debug ${PERF_FILE:-./index.js} > /dev/null",
  185. "perf:repeat-inspect": "yarn && yarn build-extra-dist && cross-env NODE_ENV=production node --inspect-brk ./dist/bin-prettierx.js --debug-repeat ${PERF_REPEAT:-1000} --loglevel debug ${PERF_FILE:-./index.js} > /dev/null",
  186. "perf:benchmark": "yarn && yarn build-extra-dist && cross-env NODE_ENV=production node ./dist/bin-prettierx.js --debug-benchmark --loglevel debug ${PERF_FILE:-./index.js} > /dev/null",
  187. "lint": "run-p lint:*",
  188. "lint:typecheck": "tsc",
  189. "lint:eslint": "cross-env EFF_NO_LINK_RULES=true eslint . --format friendly",
  190. "lint:changelog": "node ./scripts/lint-changelog.mjs",
  191. "lint:prettier": "prettier . \"!test*\" --check",
  192. "lint:dist": "eslint --no-eslintrc --no-ignore --no-inline-config --env=es6,browser --parser-options=ecmaVersion:2019 \"dist/!(bin-prettier|index|third-party).js\"",
  193. "lint:spellcheck": "cspell \"**/*\" \".github/**/*\"",
  194. "lint:deps": "node ./scripts/check-deps.mjs",
  195. "fix": "run-s fix:eslint fix:prettier",
  196. "fix:eslint": "yarn lint:eslint --fix",
  197. "fix:prettier": "yarn lint:prettier --write",
  198. "build-extra-dist": "node --max-old-space-size=8192 ./scripts/build/build.mjs",
  199. "build": "echo 'use build-extra-dist for prettierx' && exit 1",
  200. "build-docs": "node ./scripts/build-docs.mjs"
  201. }
  202. }