3.2 KB

  1. {"version":3,"file":"guard.js","sources":["../src/directives/guard.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2018 Google LLC\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\nimport {noChange, Part} from '../lit-html.js';\nimport {directive, Directive, DirectiveParameters} from '../directive.js';\n\n// A sentinal that indicates guard() hasn't rendered anything yet\nconst initialValue = {};\n\nclass GuardDirective extends Directive {\n private _previousValue: unknown = initialValue;\n\n render(_value: unknown, f: () => unknown) {\n return f();\n }\n\n override update(_part: Part, [value, f]: DirectiveParameters<this>) {\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n // Dirty-check arrays by item\n if (\n Array.isArray(this._previousValue) &&\n this._previousValue.length === value.length &&\n value.every((v, i) => v === (this._previousValue as Array<unknown>)[i])\n ) {\n return noChange;\n }\n } else if (this._previousValue === value) {\n // Dirty-check non-arrays by identity\n return noChange;\n }\n\n // Copy the value if it's an array so that if it's mutated we don't forget\n // what the previous values were.\n this._previousValue = Array.isArray(value) ? Array.from(value) : value;\n const r = this.render(value, f);\n return r;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Prevents re-render of a template function until a single value or an array of\n * values changes.\n *\n * Values are checked against previous values with strict equality (`===`), and\n * so the check won't detect nested property changes inside objects or arrays.\n * Arrays values have each item checked against the previous value at the same\n * index with strict equality. Nested arrays are also checked only by strict\n * equality.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * ```js\n * html`\n * <div>\n * ${guard([,], () => html`...`)}\n * </div>\n * `\n * ```\n *\n * In this case, the template only rerenders if either `` or ``\n * changes.\n *\n * guard() is useful with immutable data patterns, by preventing expensive work\n * until data updates.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * ```js\n * html`\n * <div>\n * ${guard([immutableItems], () => => html`${i}`))}\n * </div>\n * `\n * ```\n *\n * In this case, items are mapped over only when the array reference changes.\n *\n * @param value the value to check before re-rendering\n * @param f the template function\n */\nexport const guard = directive(GuardDirective);\n\n/**\n * The type of the class that powers this directive. Necessary for naming the\n * directive's return type.\n */\nexport type {GuardDirective};\n"],"names":["initialValue","guard","directive","Directive","constructor","this","render","_value","f","update","_part","value","Array","isArray","_previousValue","length","every","v","i","noChange","from"],"mappings":";;;;;;AAUA,MAAMA,EAAe,GAyERC,EAAQC,EAvErB,cAA6BC,EAA7BC,kCACUC,QAA0BL,EAElCM,OAAOC,EAAiBC,GACtB,OAAOA,IAGAC,OAAOC,GAAcC,EAAOH,IACnC,GAAII,MAAMC,QAAQF,IAEhB,GACEC,MAAMC,QAAQR,KAAKS,KACnBT,KAAKS,GAAeC,SAAWJ,EAAMI,QACrCJ,EAAMK,OAAM,CAACC,EAAGC,IAAMD,IAAOZ,KAAKS,GAAkCI,KAEpE,OAAOC,OAEJ,GAAId,KAAKS,KAAmBH,EAEjC,OAAOQ,EAOT,OAFAd,KAAKS,GAAiBF,MAAMC,QAAQF,GAASC,MAAMQ,KAAKT,GAASA,EACvDN,KAAKC,OAAOK,EAAOH"}