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- /// <reference types="node" />
- import net from 'net';
- import { Agent, ClientRequest, RequestOptions } from 'agent-base';
- import { SocksProxyAgentOptions } from '.';
- /**
- * The `SocksProxyAgent`.
- *
- * @api public
- */
- export default class SocksProxyAgent extends Agent {
- private lookup;
- private proxy;
- private tlsConnectionOptions;
- constructor(_opts: string | SocksProxyAgentOptions);
- /**
- * Initiates a SOCKS connection to the specified SOCKS proxy server,
- * which in turn connects to the specified remote host and port.
- *
- * @api protected
- */
- callback(req: ClientRequest, opts: RequestOptions): Promise<net.Socket>;
- }