@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import psycopg2 as pg
+from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder
+from config import host, user, password, db_name, jid, jidpassword, port, SSH_H
+from multiprocessing import connection
+from dateutil import parser
+import datetime, time
+import xmpp
+#Проверка соединения и само соединение
+ print('Connecting to the PostgreSQL Database...')
+ ssh_tunnel = SSHTunnelForwarder(
+ (SSH_H, 334),
+ ssh_username = "artem_valiakhmetov",
+ ssh_private_key = 'D:/keys/home/.ssh/id_rsa ',
+ ssh_private_key_password = '',
+ remote_bind_address = ("localhost", 5432)
+ )
+ ssh_tunnel.start()
+ print("Tunnel start!")
+ conn = pg.connect(
+ host = "localhost",
+ port = ssh_tunnel.local_bind_port,
+ user = "postgres",
+ password = "",
+ database = "sharixdrive"
+ )
+ print("Success ssh connect!")
+ print("Successfully connection...")
+except Exception as ex:
+ print("Error connection to database...")
+ print(ex)
+ def add_client_to_metaservice(user_id, ticket_status, id_metaservice):
+ with conn.cursor() as cursor:
+ insert_into_client_to_metaservice = "INSERT INTO client (user_id, requirements, status, ticket_status, id_metaservice, is_global, is_visible) VALUES (%s,'sgGshHz','A',%s,%s,'t','f')"
+ val = [user_id, ticket_status, id_metaservice]
+ cursor.execute(insert_into_client_to_metaservice)
+ conn.commit()
+ def change_client_visibility(user_id, id_metaservice, is_visible):
+ with conn.cursor() as cursor:
+ update_client_visibility = "UPDATE client SET is_visible = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND id_metaservice = %s"
+ val = [is_visible, user_id, id_metaservice]
+ cursor.execute(update_client_visibility)
+ conn.commit()
+ def change_client_globality(user_id, id_metaservice, is_global):
+ with conn.cursor() as cursor:
+ update_client_globality = "UPDATE client SET is_global = %s WHERE user_id = %s AND id_metaservice = %s"
+ val = [is_global, user_id, id_metaservice]
+ cursor.execute(update_client_globality)
+ conn.commit()
+ def check_client_status():
+ def find_client_tickets():
+ def add_provider_to_metaservice(id, id_metaservice):
+ with conn.cursor() as cursor:
+ insert_into_provider_to_metaservice = "INSERT INTO provider (type, id_company, user_id, id_metaservice, requirements, status, ticket_status, is_global, is_visible) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, status, ticket_status, is_global, is_visible)"
+ val = [type, id_company, user_id, id_metaservice, requirements, status, ticket_status, is_global, is_visible]
+ cursor.execute(insert_into_provider_to_metaservice)
+ conn.commit()
+ def change_provider_visibility(id, id_metaservice, is_visible):
+ with conn.cursor() as cursor:
+ update_provider_visibility = "UPDATE provider SET is_visible = %s WHERE id = %s AND id_metaservice = %s"
+ val = [is_visible, id, id_metaservice]
+ cursor.execute(update_provider_visibility)
+ conn.commit()