# ShariX Open Landing Template ## How install? 1. Download or clone repository ```bash git https://git.sharix-app.org/ShariX_Open/sharix-open-landing.git git checkout unstable ``` 2. Set up a configuration file ```python #Create file config.py with this setting or rename this file to config.py #BASE DEBUG=True SECRET_KEY='secret-key(absolutely any character)' ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = [] #DATABSE DB_NAME=None DB_USER=None DB_PASSWORD=None DB_HOST=None #GUNICORN BIND = "" WORKERS = 1 THREADS = 2 #STATIC from pathlib import Path import os BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATICFILES_DIRS = [BASE_DIR / "SharixAdmin/static/", BASE_DIR / "tickets/static/"] STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "staticfiles") ``` 3. Run a **install_unix.sh** if you have Linux or if you have Windows run a **install_win.sh** 4. The system will prompt you to create a superuser ``` #Example 7987654321 admin pa$$w0rd pa$$w0rd ``` 5. Start test the server: ``` python manage.py runserver 8000 ``` 6. Set up the **bin/butler.sh** file with valid paths ```bash #!/bin/bash cd /path/to/project exec /path/to/project/env/bin/gunicorn core.wsgi:application -c core/conf_gunicorn.py ``` 7. It remains to configure Nginx conf and start the daemon