''' That class provides the ability to authenticate an application account through the API and store these authentication tokens. Modules using the API should log in ShariX system using this class. ''' import requests from core.config import API_URL class AuthAPI: def __init__(self, login: str, password: str): self._login = login self._password = password self._token = None self._headers = None def _create_token(self): try: response = requests.post( f"{API_URL}/auth/token/login/", { "phone_number": self._login, "password": self._password } ) self._token = response.json()["auth_token"] except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print("\033[31m" + f"{self.__class__.__name__}: Can't connect to the API." + "\033[0m") except KeyError: print("\033[31m" + f"{self.__class__.__name__}: Incorrect login data." + "\033[0m") @property def token(self): if self._token is None: self._create_token() return self._token @property def headers(self): if self._token is None: self._create_token() self._headers = {'Authorization': f'Token {self._token}'} return self._headers