#LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = "tickets:lists" #LOGIN_URL = "/accounts/login/" #LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = "/accounts/login/" # tickets-specific settings TICKETS_STAFF_ONLY = False TICKETS_DEFAULT_LIST_SLUG = 'tickets' TICKETS_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE = None TICKETS_PUBLIC_SUBMIT_REDIRECT = '/' from tickets.mail.producers import imap_producer from tickets.mail.consumers import tracker_consumer from tickets.mail.delivery import smtp_backend, console_backend # email notifications configuration # each task list can get its own delivery method IS_SEND_EMAIL = False # TICKETS_MAIL_BACKENDS = { # # mail-queue is the name of the task list, not the worker name # "mail-queue": smtp_backend( # host="*********", # port=465, # use_ssl=True, # username="*********", # password="*********", # # used as the From field when sending notifications. # # a username might be prepended later on # from_address="*******", # # additionnal headers # headers={} # ), # }