# ShariX Open Admin Admin system implemented as a Django application. ## How install? 1) Download or clone repository ```bash git clone http://git.sharix-app.org/ShariX_Open/sharix-open-webapp-base.git name_project ``` 1) Set up a configuration file ```python #Create file config.py with this setting or rename this file to config.py #BASE DEBUG=True SECRET_KEY='secret-key(absolutely any character)' ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = [] API_URL = "" #DRIVE=2;ASSIST=1 SERVICE_ID = 1 #DATABSE DB_NAME=None DB_USER=None DB_PASSWORD=None DB_HOST=None #GUNICORN BIND = "" WORKERS = 2 THREADS = 4 #STATIC from pathlib import Path import os BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent STATIC_URL = '/static/' [BASE_DIR / "SharixAdmin/static/", BASE_DIR / "tickets/static/", BASE_DIR /"design_template/static"] STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "staticfiles") #EJABBER EJ_PROTOCOL = "http" EJ_IP = "" EJ_PORT = "5280" EJ_URL = EJ_PROTOCOL + "://" + EJ_IP + ":" + EJ_PORT + "/" + "api/" EJ_SERVICE = "chat.ej.sharix-app.org" EJ_HOST = "ej.sharix-app.org" WEBSERVICE_NAME = "open" # Service name that is used in generating ejabber rooms ``` 3) Run a **install_win.bat** 4) The system will prompt you to create a superuser ``` #Example 7987654321 admin pa$$w0rd pa$$w0rd ``` ### Ready! ## Server instalation 1) Download or clone repository ```bash git clone http://git.sharix-app.org/ShariX_Open/sharix-open-webapp-base.git name_project ``` 2) Set up a configuration file ```nano core/config_template.py``` ```python #Create file config.py with this setting or rename this file to config.py #BASE DEBUG=True SECRET_KEY='secret-key(absolutely any character)' ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = [] #DATABSE DB_NAME=None DB_USER=None DB_PASSWORD=None DB_HOST=None #GUNICORN BIND = "" WORKERS = 2 THREADS = 4 #STATIC from pathlib import Path import os BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATICFILES_DIRS = [BASE_DIR / "SharixAdmin/static/", BASE_DIR / "tickets/static/"] STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "staticfiles") #EJABBER EJ_PROTOCOL = "http" EJ_IP = "" EJ_PORT = "5280" EJ_URL = EJ_PROTOCOL + "://" + EJ_IP + ":" + EJ_PORT + "/" + "api/" EJ_SERVICE = "chat.ej.sharix-app.org" EJ_HOST = "ej.sharix-app.org" WEBSERVICE_NAME = "open" # Service name that is used in generating ejabber rooms ``` 3) Run a **install_linux.sh** 4) The system will prompt you to create a superuser ``` #Example 7987654321 admin pa$$w0rd pa$$w0rd ``` 5) Set up the **bin/webuser.sh** file with valid paths ```bash #!/bin/bash cd /path/to/project exec /path/to/project/env/bin/gunicorn core.wsgi:application -c core/conf_gunicorn.py ``` 6) It remains to configure Nginx conf and start the daemon ## Settings Optional configuration params, which can be added to your project settings: ```python ``` ## Utilities Utilities provides important functionality to web-application, so it is important to know and understand how they work. They are stored in *core/utils*. ### AuthAPI That class provides the ability to authenticate an application account through the API and store these authentication tokens. Modules using the API should log in ShariX system using this class. #### Setting up ```python # core/config.py # ... #API # The URL where it is possible to access the API. API_URL = '' # ... ``` ```python # /apps.py # ... from core.utils.AuthAPI import AuthAPI api = AuthAPI("", "") # ... ``` #### Usage example ```python # /.py import requests from .apps import api from core.config import API_URL # You can use api.headers to get the corret authorization header in your requests. requests.get(f"{API_URL}/tickets/api/tickets/", headers=api.headers) # Or you can get just token. print(api.token) ```