cache =& $cache_revinfo; if (!isset($this->cache[$id])) { $this->cache[$id] = array(); } $this->id = $id; $this->setChunkSize($chunk_size); } /** * Returns path to current page/media * * @return string path to file */ abstract protected function getFilename(); /** * Check whether given revision is the current page * * @param int $rev timestamp of current page * @return bool true if $rev is current revision, otherwise false */ public function isCurrentRevision($rev) { return $rev == $this->currentRevision(); } /** * Checks if the revision is last revision * * @param int $rev revision timestamp * @return bool true if $rev is last revision, otherwise false */ public function isLastRevision($rev = null) { return $rev === $this->lastRevision(); } /** * Return the current revision identifier * * The "current" revision means current version of the page or media file. It is either * identical with or newer than the "last" revision, that depends on whether the file * has modified, created or deleted outside of DokuWiki. * The value of identifier can be determined by timestamp as far as the file exists, * otherwise it must be assigned larger than any other revisions to keep them sortable. * * @return int|false revision timestamp */ public function currentRevision() { if (!isset($this->currentRevision)) { // set ChangeLog::currentRevision property $this->getCurrentRevisionInfo(); } return $this->currentRevision; } /** * Return the last revision identifier, date value of the last entry of the changelog * * @return int|false revision timestamp */ public function lastRevision() { $revs = $this->getRevisions(-1, 1); return empty($revs) ? false : $revs[0]; } /** * Save revision info to the cache pool * * @param array $info Revision info structure * @return bool */ protected function cacheRevisionInfo($info) { if (!is_array($info)) return false; //$this->cache[$this->id][$info['date']] ??= $info; // since php 7.4 $this->cache[$this->id][$info['date']] = $this->cache[$this->id][$info['date']] ?? $info; return true; } /** * Get the changelog information for a specific revision (timestamp) * * Adjacent changelog lines are optimistically parsed and cached to speed up * consecutive calls to getRevisionInfo. For large changelog files, only the chunk * containing the requested changelog line is read. * * @param int $rev revision timestamp * @param bool $retrieveCurrentRevInfo allows to skip for getting other revision info in the * getCurrentRevisionInfo() where $currentRevision is not yet determined * @return bool|array false or array with entries: * - date: unix timestamp * - ip: IPv4 address ( * - type: log line type * - id: page id * - user: user name * - sum: edit summary (or action reason) * - extra: extra data (varies by line type) * - sizechange: change of filesize * * @author Ben Coburn * @author Kate Arzamastseva */ public function getRevisionInfo($rev, $retrieveCurrentRevInfo = true) { $rev = max(0, $rev); if (!$rev) return false; //ensure the external edits are cached as well if (!isset($this->currentRevision) && $retrieveCurrentRevInfo) { $this->getCurrentRevisionInfo(); } // check if it's already in the memory cache if (isset($this->cache[$this->id]) && isset($this->cache[$this->id][$rev])) { return $this->cache[$this->id][$rev]; } //read lines from changelog list($fp, $lines) = $this->readloglines($rev); if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } if (empty($lines)) return false; // parse and cache changelog lines foreach ($lines as $value) { $info = $this->parseLogLine($value); $this->cacheRevisionInfo($info); } if (!isset($this->cache[$this->id][$rev])) { return false; } return $this->cache[$this->id][$rev]; } /** * Return a list of page revisions numbers * * Does not guarantee that the revision exists in the attic, * only that a line with the date exists in the changelog. * By default the current revision is skipped. * * The current revision is automatically skipped when the page exists. * See $INFO['meta']['last_change'] for the current revision. * A negative $first let read the current revision too. * * For efficiency, the log lines are parsed and cached for later * calls to getRevisionInfo. Large changelog files are read * backwards in chunks until the requested number of changelog * lines are received. * * @param int $first skip the first n changelog lines * @param int $num number of revisions to return * @return array with the revision timestamps * * @author Ben Coburn * @author Kate Arzamastseva */ public function getRevisions($first, $num) { $revs = array(); $lines = array(); $count = 0; $logfile = $this->getChangelogFilename(); if (!file_exists($logfile)) return $revs; $num = max($num, 0); if ($num == 0) { return $revs; } if ($first < 0) { $first = 0; } else { $fileLastMod = $this->getFilename(); if (file_exists($fileLastMod) && $this->isLastRevision(filemtime($fileLastMod))) { // skip last revision if the page exists $first = max($first + 1, 0); } } if (filesize($logfile) < $this->chunk_size || $this->chunk_size == 0) { // read whole file $lines = file($logfile); if ($lines === false) { return $revs; } } else { // read chunks backwards $fp = fopen($logfile, 'rb'); // "file pointer" if ($fp === false) { return $revs; } fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_END); $tail = ftell($fp); // chunk backwards $finger = max($tail - $this->chunk_size, 0); while ($count < $num + $first) { $nl = $this->getNewlinepointer($fp, $finger); // was the chunk big enough? if not, take another bite if ($nl > 0 && $tail <= $nl) { $finger = max($finger - $this->chunk_size, 0); continue; } else { $finger = $nl; } // read chunk $chunk = ''; $read_size = max($tail - $finger, 0); // found chunk size $got = 0; while ($got < $read_size && !feof($fp)) { $tmp = @fread($fp, max(min($this->chunk_size, $read_size - $got), 0)); if ($tmp === false) { break; } //error state $got += strlen($tmp); $chunk .= $tmp; } $tmp = explode("\n", $chunk); array_pop($tmp); // remove trailing newline // combine with previous chunk $count += count($tmp); $lines = array_merge($tmp, $lines); // next chunk if ($finger == 0) { break; } else { // already read all the lines $tail = $finger; $finger = max($tail - $this->chunk_size, 0); } } fclose($fp); } // skip parsing extra lines $num = max(min(count($lines) - $first, $num), 0); if ($first > 0 && $num > 0) { $lines = array_slice($lines, max(count($lines) - $first - $num, 0), $num); } elseif ($first > 0 && $num == 0) { $lines = array_slice($lines, 0, max(count($lines) - $first, 0)); } elseif ($first == 0 && $num > 0) { $lines = array_slice($lines, max(count($lines) - $num, 0)); } // handle lines in reverse order for ($i = count($lines) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $info = $this->parseLogLine($lines[$i]); if ($this->cacheRevisionInfo($info)) { $revs[] = $info['date']; } } return $revs; } /** * Get the nth revision left or right-hand side for a specific page id and revision (timestamp) * * For large changelog files, only the chunk containing the * reference revision $rev is read and sometimes a next chunk. * * Adjacent changelog lines are optimistically parsed and cached to speed up * consecutive calls to getRevisionInfo. * * @param int $rev revision timestamp used as start date * (doesn't need to be exact revision number) * @param int $direction give position of returned revision with respect to $rev; positive=next, negative=prev * @return bool|int * timestamp of the requested revision * otherwise false */ public function getRelativeRevision($rev, $direction) { $rev = max($rev, 0); $direction = (int)$direction; //no direction given or last rev, so no follow-up if (!$direction || ($direction > 0 && $this->isCurrentRevision($rev))) { return false; } //get lines from changelog list($fp, $lines, $head, $tail, $eof) = $this->readloglines($rev); if (empty($lines)) return false; // look for revisions later/earlier than $rev, when founded count till the wanted revision is reached // also parse and cache changelog lines for getRevisionInfo(). $revCounter = 0; $relativeRev = false; $checkOtherChunk = true; //always runs once while (!$relativeRev && $checkOtherChunk) { $info = array(); //parse in normal or reverse order $count = count($lines); if ($direction > 0) { $start = 0; $step = 1; } else { $start = $count - 1; $step = -1; } for ($i = $start; $i >= 0 && $i < $count; $i = $i + $step) { $info = $this->parseLogLine($lines[$i]); if ($this->cacheRevisionInfo($info)) { //look for revs older/earlier then reference $rev and select $direction-th one if (($direction > 0 && $info['date'] > $rev) || ($direction < 0 && $info['date'] < $rev)) { $revCounter++; if ($revCounter == abs($direction)) { $relativeRev = $info['date']; } } } } //true when $rev is found, but not the wanted follow-up. $checkOtherChunk = $fp && ($info['date'] == $rev || ($revCounter > 0 && !$relativeRev)) && !(($tail == $eof && $direction > 0) || ($head == 0 && $direction < 0)); if ($checkOtherChunk) { list($lines, $head, $tail) = $this->readAdjacentChunk($fp, $head, $tail, $direction); if (empty($lines)) break; } } if ($fp) { fclose($fp); } return $relativeRev; } /** * Returns revisions around rev1 and rev2 * When available it returns $max entries for each revision * * @param int $rev1 oldest revision timestamp * @param int $rev2 newest revision timestamp (0 looks up last revision) * @param int $max maximum number of revisions returned * @return array with two arrays with revisions surrounding rev1 respectively rev2 */ public function getRevisionsAround($rev1, $rev2, $max = 50) { $max = intval(abs($max) / 2) * 2 + 1; $rev1 = max($rev1, 0); $rev2 = max($rev2, 0); if ($rev2) { if ($rev2 < $rev1) { $rev = $rev2; $rev2 = $rev1; $rev1 = $rev; } } else { //empty right side means a removed page. Look up last revision. $rev2 = $this->currentRevision(); } //collect revisions around rev2 list($revs2, $allRevs, $fp, $lines, $head, $tail) = $this->retrieveRevisionsAround($rev2, $max); if (empty($revs2)) return array(array(), array()); //collect revisions around rev1 $index = array_search($rev1, $allRevs); if ($index === false) { //no overlapping revisions list($revs1, , , , ,) = $this->retrieveRevisionsAround($rev1, $max); if (empty($revs1)) $revs1 = array(); } else { //revisions overlaps, reuse revisions around rev2 $lastRev = array_pop($allRevs); //keep last entry that could be external edit $revs1 = $allRevs; while ($head > 0) { for ($i = count($lines) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $info = $this->parseLogLine($lines[$i]); if ($this->cacheRevisionInfo($info)) { $revs1[] = $info['date']; $index++; if ($index > intval($max / 2)) break 2; } } list($lines, $head, $tail) = $this->readAdjacentChunk($fp, $head, $tail, -1); } sort($revs1); $revs1[] = $lastRev; //push back last entry //return wanted selection $revs1 = array_slice($revs1, max($index - intval($max / 2), 0), $max); } return array(array_reverse($revs1), array_reverse($revs2)); } /** * Return an existing revision for a specific date which is * the current one or younger or equal then the date * * @param number $date_at timestamp * @return string revision ('' for current) */ public function getLastRevisionAt($date_at) { $fileLastMod = $this->getFilename(); //requested date_at(timestamp) younger or equal then modified_time($this->id) => load current if (file_exists($fileLastMod) && $date_at >= @filemtime($fileLastMod)) { return ''; } else { if ($rev = $this->getRelativeRevision($date_at + 1, -1)) { //+1 to get also the requested date revision return $rev; } else { return false; } } } /** * Collect the $max revisions near to the timestamp $rev * * Ideally, half of retrieved timestamps are older than $rev, another half are newer. * The returned array $requestedRevs may not contain the reference timestamp $rev * when it does not match any revision value recorded in changelog. * * @param int $rev revision timestamp * @param int $max maximum number of revisions to be returned * @return bool|array * return array with entries: * - $requestedRevs: array of with $max revision timestamps * - $revs: all parsed revision timestamps * - $fp: file pointer only defined for chuck reading, needs closing. * - $lines: non-parsed changelog lines before the parsed revisions * - $head: position of first read changelog line * - $lastTail: position of end of last read changelog line * otherwise false */ protected function retrieveRevisionsAround($rev, $max) { $revs = array(); $afterCount = $beforeCount = 0; //get lines from changelog list($fp, $lines, $startHead, $startTail, $eof) = $this->readloglines($rev); if (empty($lines)) return false; //parse changelog lines in chunk, and read forward more chunks until $max/2 is reached $head = $startHead; $tail = $startTail; while (count($lines) > 0) { foreach ($lines as $line) { $info = $this->parseLogLine($line); if ($this->cacheRevisionInfo($info)) { $revs[] = $info['date']; if ($info['date'] >= $rev) { //count revs after reference $rev $afterCount++; if ($afterCount == 1) $beforeCount = count($revs); } //enough revs after reference $rev? if ($afterCount > intval($max / 2)) break 2; } } //retrieve next chunk list($lines, $head, $tail) = $this->readAdjacentChunk($fp, $head, $tail, 1); } $lastTail = $tail; // add a possible revision of external edit, create or deletion if ($lastTail == $eof && $afterCount <= intval($max / 2) && count($revs) && !$this->isCurrentRevision($revs[count($revs)-1]) ) { $revs[] = $this->currentRevision; $afterCount++; } if ($afterCount == 0) { //given timestamp $rev is newer than the most recent line in chunk return false; //FIXME: or proceed to collect older revisions? } //read more chunks backward until $max/2 is reached and total number of revs is equal to $max $lines = array(); $i = 0; if ($afterCount > 0) { $head = $startHead; $tail = $startTail; while ($head > 0) { list($lines, $head, $tail) = $this->readAdjacentChunk($fp, $head, $tail, -1); for ($i = count($lines) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $info = $this->parseLogLine($lines[$i]); if ($this->cacheRevisionInfo($info)) { $revs[] = $info['date']; $beforeCount++; //enough revs before reference $rev? if ($beforeCount > max(intval($max / 2), $max - $afterCount)) break 2; } } } } //keep only non-parsed lines $lines = array_slice($lines, 0, $i); sort($revs); //trunk desired selection $requestedRevs = array_slice($revs, -$max, $max); return array($requestedRevs, $revs, $fp, $lines, $head, $lastTail); } /** * Get the current revision information, considering external edit, create or deletion * * When the file has not modified since its last revision, the information of the last * change that had already recorded in the changelog is returned as current change info. * Otherwise, the change information since the last revision caused outside DokuWiki * should be returned, which is referred as "external revision". * * The change date of the file can be determined by timestamp as far as the file exists, * however this is not possible when the file has already deleted outside of DokuWiki. * In such case we assign 1 sec before current time() for the external deletion. * As a result, the value of current revision identifier may change each time because: * 1) the file has again modified outside of DokuWiki, or * 2) the value is essentially volatile for deleted but once existed files. * * @return bool|array false when page had never existed or array with entries: * - date: revision identifier (timestamp or last revision +1) * - ip: IPv4 address ( * - type: log line type * - id: id of page or media * - user: user name * - sum: edit summary (or action reason) * - extra: extra data (varies by line type) * - sizechange: change of filesize * - timestamp: unix timestamp or false (key set only for external edit occurred) * * @author Satoshi Sahara */ public function getCurrentRevisionInfo() { global $lang; if (isset($this->currentRevision)) return $this->getRevisionInfo($this->currentRevision); // get revision id from the item file timestamp and changelog $fileLastMod = $this->getFilename(); $fileRev = @filemtime($fileLastMod); // false when the file not exist $lastRev = $this->lastRevision(); // false when no changelog if (!$fileRev && !$lastRev) { // has never existed $this->currentRevision = false; return false; } elseif ($fileRev === $lastRev) { // not external edit $this->currentRevision = $lastRev; return $this->getRevisionInfo($lastRev); } if (!$fileRev && $lastRev) { // item file does not exist // check consistency against changelog $revInfo = $this->getRevisionInfo($lastRev, false); if ($revInfo['type'] == DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE) { $this->currentRevision = $lastRev; return $revInfo; } // externally deleted, set revision date as late as possible $revInfo = [ 'date' => max($lastRev +1, time() -1), // 1 sec before now or new page save 'ip' => '', 'type' => DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE, 'id' => $this->id, 'user' => '', 'sum' => $lang['deleted'].' - '.$lang['external_edit'].' ('.$lang['unknowndate'].')', 'extra' => '', 'sizechange' => -io_getSizeFile($this->getFilename($lastRev)), 'timestamp' => false, ]; } else { // item file exists, with timestamp $fileRev // here, file timestamp $fileRev is different with last revision timestamp $lastRev in changelog $isJustCreated = $lastRev === false || ( $fileRev > $lastRev && $this->getRevisionInfo($lastRev, false)['type'] == DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE ); $filesize_new = filesize($this->getFilename()); $filesize_old = $isJustCreated ? 0 : io_getSizeFile($this->getFilename($lastRev)); $sizechange = $filesize_new - $filesize_old; if ($isJustCreated) { $timestamp = $fileRev; $sum = $lang['created'].' - '.$lang['external_edit']; } elseif ($fileRev > $lastRev) { $timestamp = $fileRev; $sum = $lang['external_edit']; } else { // $fileRev is older than $lastRev, that is erroneous/incorrect occurrence. $msg = "Warning: current file modification time is older than last revision date"; $details = 'File revision: '.$fileRev.' '.dformat($fileRev, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")."\n" .'Last revision: '.$lastRev.' '.dformat($lastRev, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); Logger::error($msg, $details, $this->getFilename()); $timestamp = false; $sum = $lang['external_edit'].' ('.$lang['unknowndate'].')'; } // externally created or edited $revInfo = [ 'date' => $timestamp ?: $lastRev +1, 'ip' => '', 'type' => $isJustCreated ? DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_CREATE : DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_EDIT, 'id' => $this->id, 'user' => '', 'sum' => $sum, 'extra' => '', 'sizechange' => $sizechange, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, ]; } // cache current revision information of external edition $this->currentRevision = $revInfo['date']; $this->cache[$this->id][$this->currentRevision] = $revInfo; return $this->getRevisionInfo($this->currentRevision); } /** * Mechanism to trace no-actual external current revision * @param int $rev */ public function traceCurrentRevision($rev) { if ($rev > $this->lastRevision()) { $rev = $this->currentRevision(); } return $rev; } }