*/ use dokuwiki\HTTP\DokuHTTPClient; use dokuwiki\Extension\Event; /** * Removes empty directories * * Sends IO_NAMESPACE_DELETED events for 'pages' and 'media' namespaces. * Event data: * $data[0] ns: The colon separated namespace path minus the trailing page name. * $data[1] ns_type: 'pages' or 'media' namespace tree. * * @param string $id - a pageid, the namespace of that id will be tried to deleted * @param string $basedir - the config name of the type to delete (datadir or mediadir usally) * @return bool - true if at least one namespace was deleted * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Ben Coburn */ function io_sweepNS($id,$basedir='datadir'){ global $conf; $types = array ('datadir'=>'pages', 'mediadir'=>'media'); $ns_type = (isset($types[$basedir])?$types[$basedir]:false); $delone = false; //scan all namespaces while(($id = getNS($id)) !== false){ $dir = $conf[$basedir].'/'.utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':','/',$id)); //try to delete dir else return if(@rmdir($dir)) { if ($ns_type!==false) { $data = array($id, $ns_type); $delone = true; // we deleted at least one dir Event::createAndTrigger('IO_NAMESPACE_DELETED', $data); } } else { return $delone; } } return $delone; } /** * Used to read in a DokuWiki page from file, and send IO_WIKIPAGE_READ events. * * Generates the action event which delegates to io_readFile(). * Action plugins are allowed to modify the page content in transit. * The file path should not be changed. * * Event data: * $data[0] The raw arguments for io_readFile as an array. * $data[1] ns: The colon separated namespace path minus the trailing page name. (false if root ns) * $data[2] page_name: The wiki page name. * $data[3] rev: The page revision, false for current wiki pages. * * @author Ben Coburn * * @param string $file filename * @param string $id page id * @param bool|int $rev revision timestamp * @return string */ function io_readWikiPage($file, $id, $rev=false) { if (empty($rev)) { $rev = false; } $data = array(array($file, true), getNS($id), noNS($id), $rev); return Event::createAndTrigger('IO_WIKIPAGE_READ', $data, '_io_readWikiPage_action', false); } /** * Callback adapter for io_readFile(). * * @author Ben Coburn * * @param array $data event data * @return string */ function _io_readWikiPage_action($data) { if (is_array($data) && is_array($data[0]) && count($data[0])===2) { return call_user_func_array('io_readFile', $data[0]); } else { return ''; //callback error } } /** * Returns content of $file as cleaned string. * * Uses gzip if extension is .gz * * If you want to use the returned value in unserialize * be sure to set $clean to false! * * @author Andreas Gohr * * @param string $file filename * @param bool $clean * @return string|bool the file contents or false on error */ function io_readFile($file,$clean=true){ $ret = ''; if(file_exists($file)){ if(substr($file,-3) == '.gz'){ if(!DOKU_HAS_GZIP) return false; $ret = gzfile($file); if(is_array($ret)) $ret = join('', $ret); }else if(substr($file,-4) == '.bz2'){ if(!DOKU_HAS_BZIP) return false; $ret = bzfile($file); }else{ $ret = file_get_contents($file); } } if($ret === null) return false; if($ret !== false && $clean){ return cleanText($ret); }else{ return $ret; } } /** * Returns the content of a .bz2 compressed file as string * * @author marcel senf * @author Andreas Gohr * * @param string $file filename * @param bool $array return array of lines * @return string|array|bool content or false on error */ function bzfile($file, $array=false) { $bz = bzopen($file,"r"); if($bz === false) return false; if($array) $lines = array(); $str = ''; while (!feof($bz)) { //8192 seems to be the maximum buffersize? $buffer = bzread($bz,8192); if(($buffer === false) || (bzerrno($bz) !== 0)) { return false; } $str = $str . $buffer; if($array) { $pos = strpos($str, "\n"); while($pos !== false) { $lines[] = substr($str, 0, $pos+1); $str = substr($str, $pos+1); $pos = strpos($str, "\n"); } } } bzclose($bz); if($array) { if($str !== '') $lines[] = $str; return $lines; } return $str; } /** * Used to write out a DokuWiki page to file, and send IO_WIKIPAGE_WRITE events. * * This generates an action event and delegates to io_saveFile(). * Action plugins are allowed to modify the page content in transit. * The file path should not be changed. * (The append parameter is set to false.) * * Event data: * $data[0] The raw arguments for io_saveFile as an array. * $data[1] ns: The colon separated namespace path minus the trailing page name. (false if root ns) * $data[2] page_name: The wiki page name. * $data[3] rev: The page revision, false for current wiki pages. * * @author Ben Coburn * * @param string $file filename * @param string $content * @param string $id page id * @param int|bool $rev timestamp of revision * @return bool */ function io_writeWikiPage($file, $content, $id, $rev=false) { if (empty($rev)) { $rev = false; } if ($rev===false) { io_createNamespace($id); } // create namespaces as needed $data = array(array($file, $content, false), getNS($id), noNS($id), $rev); return Event::createAndTrigger('IO_WIKIPAGE_WRITE', $data, '_io_writeWikiPage_action', false); } /** * Callback adapter for io_saveFile(). * @author Ben Coburn * * @param array $data event data * @return bool */ function _io_writeWikiPage_action($data) { if (is_array($data) && is_array($data[0]) && count($data[0])===3) { $ok = call_user_func_array('io_saveFile', $data[0]); // for attic files make sure the file has the mtime of the revision if($ok && is_int($data[3]) && $data[3] > 0) { @touch($data[0][0], $data[3]); } return $ok; } else { return false; //callback error } } /** * Internal function to save contents to a file. * * @author Andreas Gohr * * @param string $file filename path to file * @param string $content * @param bool $append * @return bool true on success, otherwise false */ function _io_saveFile($file, $content, $append) { global $conf; $mode = ($append) ? 'ab' : 'wb'; $fileexists = file_exists($file); if(substr($file,-3) == '.gz'){ if(!DOKU_HAS_GZIP) return false; $fh = @gzopen($file,$mode.'9'); if(!$fh) return false; gzwrite($fh, $content); gzclose($fh); }else if(substr($file,-4) == '.bz2'){ if(!DOKU_HAS_BZIP) return false; if($append) { $bzcontent = bzfile($file); if($bzcontent === false) return false; $content = $bzcontent.$content; } $fh = @bzopen($file,'w'); if(!$fh) return false; bzwrite($fh, $content); bzclose($fh); }else{ $fh = @fopen($file,$mode); if(!$fh) return false; fwrite($fh, $content); fclose($fh); } if(!$fileexists and $conf['fperm']) chmod($file, $conf['fperm']); return true; } /** * Saves $content to $file. * * If the third parameter is set to true the given content * will be appended. * * Uses gzip if extension is .gz * and bz2 if extension is .bz2 * * @author Andreas Gohr * * @param string $file filename path to file * @param string $content * @param bool $append * @return bool true on success, otherwise false */ function io_saveFile($file, $content, $append=false) { io_makeFileDir($file); io_lock($file); if(!_io_saveFile($file, $content, $append)) { msg("Writing $file failed",-1); io_unlock($file); return false; } io_unlock($file); return true; } /** * Replace one or more occurrences of a line in a file. * * The default, when $maxlines is 0 is to delete all matching lines then append a single line. * A regex that matches any part of the line will remove the entire line in this mode. * Captures in $newline are not available. * * Otherwise each line is matched and replaced individually, up to the first $maxlines lines * or all lines if $maxlines is -1. If $regex is true then captures can be used in $newline. * * Be sure to include the trailing newline in $oldline when replacing entire lines. * * Uses gzip if extension is .gz * and bz2 if extension is .bz2 * * @author Steven Danz * @author Christopher Smith * @author Patrick Brown * * @param string $file filename * @param string $oldline exact linematch to remove * @param string $newline new line to insert * @param bool $regex use regexp? * @param int $maxlines number of occurrences of the line to replace * @return bool true on success */ function io_replaceInFile($file, $oldline, $newline, $regex=false, $maxlines=0) { if ((string)$oldline === '') { trigger_error('$oldline parameter cannot be empty in io_replaceInFile()', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if (!file_exists($file)) return true; io_lock($file); // load into array if(substr($file,-3) == '.gz'){ if(!DOKU_HAS_GZIP) return false; $lines = gzfile($file); }else if(substr($file,-4) == '.bz2'){ if(!DOKU_HAS_BZIP) return false; $lines = bzfile($file, true); }else{ $lines = file($file); } // make non-regexes into regexes $pattern = $regex ? $oldline : '/^'.preg_quote($oldline,'/').'$/'; $replace = $regex ? $newline : addcslashes($newline, '\$'); // remove matching lines if ($maxlines > 0) { $count = 0; $matched = 0; foreach($lines as $i => $line) { if($count >= $maxlines) break; // $matched will be set to 0|1 depending on whether pattern is matched and line replaced $lines[$i] = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $line, -1, $matched); if ($matched) $count++; } } else if ($maxlines == 0) { $lines = preg_grep($pattern, $lines, PREG_GREP_INVERT); if ((string)$newline !== ''){ $lines[] = $newline; } } else { $lines = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $lines); } if(count($lines)){ if(!_io_saveFile($file, join('',$lines), false)) { msg("Removing content from $file failed",-1); io_unlock($file); return false; } }else{ @unlink($file); } io_unlock($file); return true; } /** * Delete lines that match $badline from $file. * * Be sure to include the trailing newline in $badline * * @author Patrick Brown * * @param string $file filename * @param string $badline exact linematch to remove * @param bool $regex use regexp? * @return bool true on success */ function io_deleteFromFile($file,$badline,$regex=false){ return io_replaceInFile($file,$badline,null,$regex,0); } /** * Tries to lock a file * * Locking is only done for io_savefile and uses directories * inside $conf['lockdir'] * * It waits maximal 3 seconds for the lock, after this time * the lock is assumed to be stale and the function goes on * * @author Andreas Gohr * * @param string $file filename */ function io_lock($file){ global $conf; $lockDir = $conf['lockdir'].'/'.md5($file); @ignore_user_abort(1); $timeStart = time(); do { //waited longer than 3 seconds? -> stale lock if ((time() - $timeStart) > 3) break; $locked = @mkdir($lockDir); if($locked){ if($conf['dperm']) chmod($lockDir, $conf['dperm']); break; } usleep(50); } while ($locked === false); } /** * Unlocks a file * * @author Andreas Gohr * * @param string $file filename */ function io_unlock($file){ global $conf; $lockDir = $conf['lockdir'].'/'.md5($file); @rmdir($lockDir); @ignore_user_abort(0); } /** * Create missing namespace directories and send the IO_NAMESPACE_CREATED events * in the order of directory creation. (Parent directories first.) * * Event data: * $data[0] ns: The colon separated namespace path minus the trailing page name. * $data[1] ns_type: 'pages' or 'media' namespace tree. * * @author Ben Coburn * * @param string $id page id * @param string $ns_type 'pages' or 'media' */ function io_createNamespace($id, $ns_type='pages') { // verify ns_type $types = array('pages'=>'wikiFN', 'media'=>'mediaFN'); if (!isset($types[$ns_type])) { trigger_error('Bad $ns_type parameter for io_createNamespace().'); return; } // make event list $missing = array(); $ns_stack = explode(':', $id); $ns = $id; $tmp = dirname( $file = call_user_func($types[$ns_type], $ns) ); while (!@is_dir($tmp) && !(file_exists($tmp) && !is_dir($tmp))) { array_pop($ns_stack); $ns = implode(':', $ns_stack); if (strlen($ns)==0) { break; } $missing[] = $ns; $tmp = dirname(call_user_func($types[$ns_type], $ns)); } // make directories io_makeFileDir($file); // send the events $missing = array_reverse($missing); // inside out foreach ($missing as $ns) { $data = array($ns, $ns_type); Event::createAndTrigger('IO_NAMESPACE_CREATED', $data); } } /** * Create the directory needed for the given file * * @author Andreas Gohr * * @param string $file file name */ function io_makeFileDir($file){ $dir = dirname($file); if(!@is_dir($dir)){ io_mkdir_p($dir) || msg("Creating directory $dir failed",-1); } } /** * Creates a directory hierachy. * * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.mkdir.php * @author * @author Andreas Gohr * * @param string $target filename * @return bool|int|string */ function io_mkdir_p($target){ global $conf; if (@is_dir($target)||empty($target)) return 1; // best case check first if (file_exists($target) && !is_dir($target)) return 0; //recursion if (io_mkdir_p(substr($target,0,strrpos($target,'/')))){ $ret = @mkdir($target); // crawl back up & create dir tree if($ret && !empty($conf['dperm'])) chmod($target, $conf['dperm']); return $ret; } return 0; } /** * Recursively delete a directory * * @author Andreas Gohr * @param string $path * @param bool $removefiles defaults to false which will delete empty directories only * @return bool */ function io_rmdir($path, $removefiles = false) { if(!is_string($path) || $path == "") return false; if(!file_exists($path)) return true; // it's already gone or was never there, count as success if(is_dir($path) && !is_link($path)) { $dirs = array(); $files = array(); if(!$dh = @opendir($path)) return false; while(false !== ($f = readdir($dh))) { if($f == '..' || $f == '.') continue; // collect dirs and files first if(is_dir("$path/$f") && !is_link("$path/$f")) { $dirs[] = "$path/$f"; } else if($removefiles) { $files[] = "$path/$f"; } else { return false; // abort when non empty } } closedir($dh); // now traverse into directories first foreach($dirs as $dir) { if(!io_rmdir($dir, $removefiles)) return false; // abort on any error } // now delete files foreach($files as $file) { if(!@unlink($file)) return false; //abort on any error } // remove self return @rmdir($path); } else if($removefiles) { return @unlink($path); } return false; } /** * Creates a unique temporary directory and returns * its path. * * @author Michael Klier * * @return false|string path to new directory or false */ function io_mktmpdir() { global $conf; $base = $conf['tmpdir']; $dir = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $tmpdir = $base.'/'.$dir; if(io_mkdir_p($tmpdir)) { return($tmpdir); } else { return false; } } /** * downloads a file from the net and saves it * * if $useAttachment is false, * - $file is the full filename to save the file, incl. path * - if successful will return true, false otherwise * * if $useAttachment is true, * - $file is the directory where the file should be saved * - if successful will return the name used for the saved file, false otherwise * * @author Andreas Gohr * @author Chris Smith * * @param string $url url to download * @param string $file path to file or directory where to save * @param bool $useAttachment true: try to use name of download, uses otherwise $defaultName * false: uses $file as path to file * @param string $defaultName fallback for if using $useAttachment * @param int $maxSize maximum file size * @return bool|string if failed false, otherwise true or the name of the file in the given dir */ function io_download($url,$file,$useAttachment=false,$defaultName='',$maxSize=2097152){ global $conf; $http = new DokuHTTPClient(); $http->max_bodysize = $maxSize; $http->timeout = 25; //max. 25 sec $http->keep_alive = false; // we do single ops here, no need for keep-alive $data = $http->get($url); if(!$data) return false; $name = ''; if ($useAttachment) { if (isset($http->resp_headers['content-disposition'])) { $content_disposition = $http->resp_headers['content-disposition']; $match=array(); if (is_string($content_disposition) && preg_match('/attachment;\s*filename\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"/i', $content_disposition, $match)) { $name = \dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::basename($match[1]); } } if (!$name) { if (!$defaultName) return false; $name = $defaultName; } $file = $file.$name; } $fileexists = file_exists($file); $fp = @fopen($file,"w"); if(!$fp) return false; fwrite($fp,$data); fclose($fp); if(!$fileexists and $conf['fperm']) chmod($file, $conf['fperm']); if ($useAttachment) return $name; return true; } /** * Windows compatible rename * * rename() can not overwrite existing files on Windows * this function will use copy/unlink instead * * @param string $from * @param string $to * @return bool succes or fail */ function io_rename($from,$to){ global $conf; if(!@rename($from,$to)){ if(@copy($from,$to)){ if($conf['fperm']) chmod($to, $conf['fperm']); @unlink($from); return true; } return false; } return true; } /** * Runs an external command with input and output pipes. * Returns the exit code from the process. * * @author Tom N Harris * * @param string $cmd * @param string $input input pipe * @param string $output output pipe * @return int exit code from process */ function io_exec($cmd, $input, &$output){ $descspec = array( 0=>array("pipe","r"), 1=>array("pipe","w"), 2=>array("pipe","w")); $ph = proc_open($cmd, $descspec, $pipes); if(!$ph) return -1; fclose($pipes[2]); // ignore stderr fwrite($pipes[0], $input); fclose($pipes[0]); $output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[1]); return proc_close($ph); } /** * Search a file for matching lines * * This is probably not faster than file()+preg_grep() but less * memory intensive because not the whole file needs to be loaded * at once. * * @author Andreas Gohr * @param string $file The file to search * @param string $pattern PCRE pattern * @param int $max How many lines to return (0 for all) * @param bool $backref When true returns array with backreferences instead of lines * @return array matching lines or backref, false on error */ function io_grep($file,$pattern,$max=0,$backref=false){ $fh = @fopen($file,'r'); if(!$fh) return false; $matches = array(); $cnt = 0; $line = ''; while (!feof($fh)) { $line .= fgets($fh, 4096); // read full line if(substr($line,-1) != "\n") continue; // check if line matches if(preg_match($pattern,$line,$match)){ if($backref){ $matches[] = $match; }else{ $matches[] = $line; } $cnt++; } if($max && $max == $cnt) break; $line = ''; } fclose($fh); return $matches; } /** * Get size of contents of a file, for a compressed file the uncompressed size * Warning: reading uncompressed size of content of bz-files requires uncompressing * * @author Gerrit Uitslag * * @param string $file filename path to file * @return int size of file */ function io_getSizeFile($file) { if (!file_exists($file)) return 0; if(substr($file,-3) == '.gz'){ $fp = @fopen($file, "rb"); if($fp === false) return 0; fseek($fp, -4, SEEK_END); $buffer = fread($fp, 4); fclose($fp); $array = unpack("V", $buffer); $uncompressedsize = end($array); }else if(substr($file,-4) == '.bz2'){ if(!DOKU_HAS_BZIP) return 0; $bz = bzopen($file,"r"); if($bz === false) return 0; $uncompressedsize = 0; while (!feof($bz)) { //8192 seems to be the maximum buffersize? $buffer = bzread($bz,8192); if(($buffer === false) || (bzerrno($bz) !== 0)) { return 0; } $uncompressedsize += strlen($buffer); } }else{ $uncompressedsize = filesize($file); } return $uncompressedsize; }