settings.php 2.0 KB

  1. <?php
  2. $lang['server'] = 'Your LDAP server. Either hostname (<code>localhost</code>) or full qualified URL (<code>ldap://server.tld:389</code>)';
  3. $lang['port'] = 'LDAP server port if no full URL was given above';
  4. $lang['usertree'] = 'Where to find the user accounts. Eg. <code>ou=People, dc=server, dc=tld</code>';
  5. $lang['grouptree'] = 'Where to find the user groups. Eg. <code>ou=Group, dc=server, dc=tld</code>';
  6. $lang['userfilter'] = 'LDAP filter to search for user accounts. Eg. <code>(&amp;(uid=%{user})(objectClass=posixAccount))</code>';
  7. $lang['groupfilter'] = 'LDAP filter to search for groups. Eg. <code>(&amp;(objectClass=posixGroup)(|(gidNumber=%{gid})(memberUID=%{user})))</code>';
  8. $lang['version'] = 'The protocol version to use. You may need to set this to <code>3</code>';
  9. $lang['starttls'] = 'Use TLS connections?';
  10. $lang['referrals'] = 'Shall referrals be followed?';
  11. $lang['deref'] = 'How to dereference aliases?';
  12. $lang['binddn'] = 'DN of an optional bind user if anonymous bind is not sufficient. Eg. <code>cn=admin, dc=my, dc=home</code>';
  13. $lang['bindpw'] = 'Password of above user';
  14. $lang['attributes'] = 'Attributes to retrieve with the LDAP search.';
  15. $lang['userscope'] = 'Limit search scope for user search';
  16. $lang['groupscope'] = 'Limit search scope for group search';
  17. $lang['userkey'] = 'Attribute denoting the username; must be consistent to userfilter.';
  18. $lang['groupkey'] = 'Group membership from any user attribute (instead of standard AD groups) e.g. group from department or telephone number';
  19. $lang['modPass'] = 'Can the LDAP password be changed via dokuwiki?';
  20. $lang['debug'] = 'Display additional debug information on errors';
  21. $lang['deref_o_0'] = 'LDAP_DEREF_NEVER';
  22. $lang['deref_o_1'] = 'LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING';
  23. $lang['deref_o_2'] = 'LDAP_DEREF_FINDING';
  24. $lang['deref_o_3'] = 'LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS';
  25. $lang['referrals_o_-1'] = 'use default';
  26. $lang['referrals_o_0'] = 'don\'t follow referrals';
  27. $lang['referrals_o_1'] = 'follow referrals';