Web-interface backend template for services based on ShariX Guide. It implies interaction with the list of services, payment, establishment of relationships, interaction with technical support, etc. that is beyond default scenario

Шаблон бэкэнда веб-интерфейса сервиса на основе ShariX Guide.Подразумевает взаимодействие со списком услуг, тарифы, настройку взаимоотношений

kateshev14 f31a63b9c4 update order_local 8 месяцев назад
apiviews 298f7cec9f update models 1 9 месяцев назад
migrations d3cf326a27 add migrations folder 1 год назад
models b2f8a2dc49 update tasks 8 месяцев назад
serializer 4fb0159955 update serializer 1 9 месяцев назад
templates f31a63b9c4 update order_local 8 месяцев назад
.gitignore 47a27765b0 fix typo 1 год назад
README.md 821b4ae8a0 correct README; delete broken code 1 год назад
__init__.py f7dd641b99 Добавил модуль с формой для обработки заказа 1 год назад
admin.py bf9ad3624f add Comments and Tasks 9 месяцев назад
apps.py bf1d1c359c Added registration, api connection and deleted unnecessary files 1 год назад
forms.py f31a63b9c4 update order_local 8 месяцев назад
license ac1cecbcc5 license info added 2 лет назад
license ru.md e30c132063 Загрузить файлы '' 1 год назад
tables.py 298f7cec9f update models 1 9 месяцев назад
tests.py f7dd641b99 Добавил модуль с формой для обработки заказа 1 год назад
urls.py 298f7cec9f update models 1 9 месяцев назад
views.py 4029dd656b update models, views, forms, urls 9 месяцев назад


Design Template

A module for processing customer orders implemented as a Django application.


1) Download or clone repository

git clone -b unstable https://git.sharix-app.org/ShariX_Open/sharix-open-webservice-running.git webservice_running

2) Install required dependencies in project settings


3) Connects application routes to the project

  urlpatterns = (
    path('webservice/', include("webservice_running.urls"), name='webservice_running'),

4) Delete the migration files in the migrations folder (everything except init.py)

Start test the server:

python manage.py runserver 8000

If the port has not been selected, it is 8000 by default. If selected port is busy, use another one (for example, try increasing port number by 1 until the server starts). A link to the website should appear in the terminal.