@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+const gulp = require('gulp');
+const shell = require('gulp-shell');
+const filter = require('gulp-filter-each');
+const fileInclude = require('gulp-file-include');
+const through = require('through2');
+const prettyHtml = require('gulp-pretty-html');
+const sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass'));
+const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
+const browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
+const port = 3001;
+gulp.task('build-template', async function () {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ gulp
+ .src('src/template/*.html')
+ .pipe(filter((content) => content.match(/<html>/gi)))
+ .pipe(
+ fileInclude({
+ prefix: '@@',
+ basepath: '@file',
+ })
+ )
+ .pipe(
+ through.obj(async function (file, enc, cb) {
+ let html = file.contents.toString();
+ // merge css link and scripts to head
+ const links = [];
+ const cssRegx = /<link .*\/>\n/g;
+ html = html.replace(cssRegx, (match) => {
+ if (links.indexOf(match) === -1) {
+ links.push(match);
+ }
+ return '';
+ });
+ const scriptRegx = /<script .*><\/script>\n/g;
+ html = html.replace(scriptRegx, (match) => {
+ if (links.indexOf(match) === -1) {
+ links.push(match);
+ }
+ return '';
+ });
+ html = html.replace(
+ '<!-- Please DO NOT remove this line, all link and script tags will be merged to here -->\n',
+ links.join('')
+ );
+ // remove comment
+ html = html.replace(/<!-- prettier-ignore -->/g, '');
+ // change path from absolute to relative
+ if (require('yargs').argv.relativePath) {
+ html = html.replace(/href="\/css\//g, 'href="./css/');
+ html = html.replace(
+ /--src:url\(\/assets\//g,
+ '--src:url(../assets/'
+ );
+ html = html.replace(/src="\/assets\//g, 'src="./assets/');
+ }
+ file.contents = Buffer.from(html);
+ this.push(file);
+ cb();
+ })
+ )
+ .pipe(prettyHtml())
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./web'))
+ .on('end', resolve);
+ });
+gulp.task('build-scss', async function () {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ gulp
+ .src('src/scss/*.scss')
+ .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
+ .pipe(autoprefixer({ cascade: false }))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./web/css'))
+ .on('end', resolve);
+ });
+gulp.task('copy-css', async function () {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ gulp
+ .src('src/css/*.css')
+ .pipe(autoprefixer({ cascade: false }))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./web/css'))
+ .on('end', resolve);
+ });
+gulp.task('copy-js', async function () {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ gulp.src('src/js/**/*.*').pipe(gulp.dest('./web/js')).on('end', resolve);
+ });
+gulp.task('copy-assets', async function () {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ gulp
+ .src('src/assets/*.*')
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('./web/assets'))
+ .on('end', resolve);
+ });
+gulp.task('copy-fonts', async function () {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ gulp.src('src/fonts/*.*').pipe(gulp.dest('./web/fonts')).on('end', resolve);
+ });
+ 'build',
+ gulp.series(
+ 'build-template',
+ 'build-scss',
+ 'copy-css',
+ 'copy-js',
+ 'copy-assets',
+ 'copy-fonts'
+ )
+gulp.task('watch', function (resolve) {
+ const watchSrcFolders = [
+ 'src/template/**',
+ 'src/scss/**',
+ 'src/css/**',
+ 'src/js/**' /*, 'src/assets/**'*/,
+ ];
+ gulp
+ .watch(watchSrcFolders, gulp.series('build'))
+ .on('change', browserSync.reload);
+ resolve();
+gulp.task('server', function () {
+ browserSync.init({
+ ui: false,
+ server: {
+ port,
+ baseDir: './web',
+ directory: true,
+ },
+ });
+// dev server
+gulp.task('dev', gulp.series('build', 'watch', 'server'));
+gulp.task('deploy-init', gulp.series(shell.task(['firebase init'])));
+gulp.task('deploy', gulp.series('build', shell.task(['firebase deploy'])));