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Deleting an old version of the configuration file

TonyKurts 1 ano atrás
1 arquivos alterados com 0 adições e 372 exclusões
  1. 0 372

+ 0 - 372

@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from pathlib import Path
-from django.contrib.messages import constants as message_constants
-class ConfigDjango:
-    # Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR / 'subdir'.
-    BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
-    # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
-    SECRET_KEY = 'django-insecure-$eodx2ilnb*djkahfguiwegbwelgbnajl*u$qkt7j-b)7t1iq'
-    # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
-    DEBUG = True
-    ALLOWED_HOSTS = [""]
-    INTERNAL_IPS = [""]
-    # Application definition
-        'jazzmin',
-        'django.contrib.admin',
-        'django.contrib.auth',
-        'django.contrib.contenttypes',
-        'django.contrib.sessions',
-        'django.contrib.messages',
-        'django.contrib.staticfiles',
-        'SharixAdmin.apps.SharixadminConfig',
-        'tickets.apps.TicketsConfig',
-        'metaservicesynced.apps.MetaservicesyncedConfig',
-        'django_tables2',
-        "django.contrib.sites",
-        "django.contrib.flatpages",
-        "django.contrib.admindocs",
-        "django_extensions",
-        'rest_framework',
-        'rest_framework.authtoken',
-        'djoser',
-        'schema_graph',
-        'drf_yasg',
-        'django_spaghetti',
-        'debug_toolbar',
-    ]
-        '',
-        'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
-        'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
-        'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware',
-        'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
-        'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware',
-        'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware',
-        'django.contrib.admindocs.middleware.XViewMiddleware',        
-        "debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware",
-    ]
-    ROOT_URLCONF = "core.urls"
-    TEMPLATES = [
-        {
-            "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates",
-            "DIRS": [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "templates")],
-            "APP_DIRS": True,
-            "OPTIONS": {
-                "context_processors": [
-                    "django.template.context_processors.debug",
-                    "django.template.context_processors.request",
-                    "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth",
-                    "django.template.context_processors.i18n",
-                    "",
-                    "django.template.context_processors.static",
-                    "",
-                    "django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages",
-                ],
-            },
-        }
-    ]
-    WSGI_APPLICATION = 'core.wsgi.application'
-    # Database
-    #
-    DATABASES = {
-        'default': {
-            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
-            'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3',
-        }
-    }
-    # Password validation
-    #
-        {
-            'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator',
-        },
-        {
-            'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator',
-        },
-        {
-            'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator',
-        },
-        {
-            'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator',
-        },
-    ]
-    # Internationalization
-    #
-    LANGUAGE_CODE = 'ru'
-    USE_TZ = True
-    TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Moscow'
-    SITE_ID = 1
-    # If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not
-    # to load the internationalization machinery.
-    USE_I18N = True
-    # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images)
-    #
-    STATIC_URL = "/static/"
-    STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "staticfiles")
-    # Uploaded media
-    MEDIA_URL = "/media/"
-    MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "media")
-    # Without this, uploaded files > 4MB end up with perm 0600, unreadable by web server process
-    # Override CSS class for the ERROR tag level to match Bootstrap class name
-    MESSAGE_TAGS = {message_constants.ERROR: "danger"}
-    # Default primary key field type
-    #
-    DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
-    AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'SharixAdmin.SharixUser'
-class ConfigJazzmin:
-        # title of the window (Will default to current_admin_site.site_title if absent or None)
-        "site_title": "ShariX Admin",
-        # Title on the login screen (19 chars max) (defaults to current_admin_site.site_header if absent or None)
-        "site_header": "ShariX Platform",
-        # Title on the brand (19 chars max) (defaults to current_admin_site.site_header if absent or None)
-        "site_brand": "ShariX Platform",
-        # Logo to use for your site, must be present in static files, used for brand on top left
-        "site_logo": "SharixAdmin/img/logo.svg",
-        # Logo to use for your site, must be present in static files, used for login form logo (defaults to site_logo)
-        "login_logo": None,
-        # Logo to use for login form in dark themes (defaults to login_logo)
-        "login_logo_dark": None,
-        # CSS classes that are applied to the logo above
-        "site_logo_classes": "img-circle",
-        # Relative path to a favicon for your site, will default to site_logo if absent (ideally 32x32 px)
-        "site_icon": None,
-        # Welcome text on the login screen
-        "welcome_sign": "Welcome to the ShariX Admin",
-        # Copyright on the footer
-        "copyright": "Acme Library Ltd",
-        # List of model admins to search from the search bar, search bar omitted if excluded
-        # If you want to use a single search field you dont need to use a list, you can use a simple string 
-        "search_model": ["SharixAdmin.SharixUser"],
-        # Field name on user model that contains avatar ImageField/URLField/Charfield or a callable that receives the user
-        "user_avatar": "",
-        ############
-        # Top Menu #
-        ############
-        # Links to put along the top menu
-        "topmenu_links": [
-            # Url that gets reversed (Permissions can be added)
-            {"name": "Главная",  "url": "admin:index", "permissions": ["auth.view_user"]},
-            # external url that opens in a new window (Permissions can be added)
-            #{"name": "Support", "url": "", "new_window": True},
-            # model admin to link to (Permissions checked against model)
-            {"model": "SharixAdmin.SharixUser"},
-            # App with dropdown menu to all its models pages (Permissions checked against models)
-            {"app": "tickets"},
-        ],
-        #############
-        # User Menu #
-        #############
-        # Additional links to include in the user menu on the top right ("app" url type is not allowed)
-        # "usermenu_links": [
-        #     {"name": "Support", "url": "", "new_window": True},
-        #     {"model": "SharixAdmin.SharixUser"}
-        # ],
-        # #############
-        # # Side Menu #
-        # #############
-        # # Whether to display the side menu
-        # "show_sidebar": True,
-        # # Whether to aut expand the menu
-        # "navigation_expanded": True,
-        # # Hide these apps when generating side menu e.g (auth)
-        # "hide_apps": [],
-        # # Hide these models when generating side menu (e.g auth.user)
-        # "hide_models": [],
-        # # List of apps (and/or models) to base side menu ordering off of (does not need to contain all apps/models)
-        # #"order_with_respect_to": ["auth", "books", "", ""],
-        # # Custom links to append to app groups, keyed on app name
-        # "custom_links": {
-        #     "tickets": [{
-        #         "name": "Make Messages", 
-        #         "url": "make_messages", 
-        #         "icon": "fas fa-comments",
-        #         "permissions": ["tickets.view_book"]
-        #     }]
-        # },
-        # # Custom icons for side menu apps/models See,5.0.1,5.0.10,5.0.11,5.0.12,5.0.13,5.0.2,5.0.3,5.0.4,5.0.5,5.0.6,5.0.7,5.0.8,5.0.9,5.1.0,5.1.1,5.2.0,5.3.0,5.3.1,5.4.0,5.4.1,5.4.2,5.13.0,5.12.0,5.11.2,5.11.1,5.10.0,5.9.0,5.8.2,5.8.1,5.7.2,5.7.1,5.7.0,5.6.3,5.5.0,5.4.2
-        # # for the full list of 5.13.0 free icon classes
-        "icons": {
-            "auth": "fas fa-users-cog",
-            "auth.user": "fas fa-user",
-            "auth.Group": "fas fa-users",
-            "SharixAdmin": "fas fa-users-cog",
-            "SharixAdmin.SharixUser": "fas fa-user",
-            "tickets.Task": "fas fa-check",
-            "tickets.TaskList": "fas fa-list",
-            "tickets.Comment": "fas fa-comment",
-            "tickets.Attachment": "fas fa-file",
-        },
-        # # Icons that are used when one is not manually specified
-        # # "default_icon_parents": "fas fa-chevron-circle-right",
-        # # "default_icon_children": "fas fa-circle",
-        # #################
-        # # Related Modal #
-        # #################
-        # # Use modals instead of popups
-        # "related_modal_active": False,
-        # #############
-        # # UI Tweaks #
-        # #############
-        # # Relative paths to custom CSS/JS scripts (must be present in static files)
-        "custom_css": None,
-        "custom_js": None,
-        # Whether to link font from (use custom_css to supply font otherwise)
-        "use_google_fonts_cdn": True,
-        # # Whether to show the UI customizer on the sidebar
-        "show_ui_builder": True,
-        ###############
-        # Change view #
-        ###############
-        # Render out the change view as a single form, or in tabs, current options are
-        # - single
-        # - horizontal_tabs (default)
-        # - vertical_tabs
-        # - collapsible
-        # - carousel
-        #"changeform_format": "horizontal_tabs",
-        # override change forms on a per modeladmin basis
-        #"changeform_format_overrides": {"SharixAdmin.SharixUser": "collapsible", "": "vertical_tabs"},
-        # Add a language dropdown into the admin
-        #"language_chooser": True,
-    }
-        "navbar_small_text": True,
-        "footer_small_text": True,
-        "body_small_text": False,
-        "brand_small_text": True,
-        "brand_colour": "navbar-light",
-        "accent": "accent-navy",
-        "navbar": "navbar-navy navbar-dark",
-        "no_navbar_border": False,
-        "navbar_fixed": False,
-        "layout_boxed": False,
-        "footer_fixed": False,
-        "sidebar_fixed": True,
-        "sidebar": "sidebar-light-navy",
-        "sidebar_nav_small_text": False,
-        "sidebar_disable_expand": False,
-        "sidebar_nav_child_indent": False,
-        "sidebar_nav_compact_style": True,
-        "sidebar_nav_legacy_style": False,
-        "sidebar_nav_flat_style": False,
-        "theme": "default",
-        "dark_mode_theme": None,
-        "button_classes": {
-            "primary": "btn-outline-primary",
-            "secondary": "btn-outline-secondary",
-            "info": "btn-outline-info",
-            "warning": "btn-outline-warning",
-            "danger": "btn-outline-danger",
-            "success": "btn-outline-success"
-        },
-        "actions_sticky_top": False
-    }
-class ConfigAPI:
-        # Use Django's standard `django.contrib.auth` permissions,
-        # or allow read-only access for unauthenticated users.
-            'rest_framework.renderers.JSONRenderer',
-            'rest_framework.renderers.BrowsableAPIRenderer',
-        ],
-            #'rest_framework.permissions.AllowAny',
-            #'rest_framework.permissions.DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly'
-        ],
-            'rest_framework.authentication.TokenAuthentication',
-            'rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication',
-            'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication',
-        ),
-    }
-        'apps': ['auth', 'SharixAdmin', 
-                'tickets', 'admin', 
-                'flatpages', 'sessions', 'sites', 'metaservicesynced'],
-        'show_fields': False,
-        'show_proxy':True,
-    }
-        'all_applications': True,
-        'group_models': True,
-    }
-    DJOSER = {
-        'SERIALIZERS': {
-            'token': 'SharixAdmin.api.serializers.CustomTokenSerializer',
-        }
-    }
-class ConfigGunicorn:
-    bind = ""
-    workers = 2
-    worker_class = "sync"
-    threads = 4
-    timeout = 30
-    max_requests = 1000
-    capture_output = True