jazzmin_settings.py 6.4 KB

  2. # title of the window (Will default to current_admin_site.site_title if absent or None)
  3. "site_title": "ShariX Admin",
  4. # Title on the login screen (19 chars max) (defaults to current_admin_site.site_header if absent or None)
  5. "site_header": "ShariX Platform",
  6. # Title on the brand (19 chars max) (defaults to current_admin_site.site_header if absent or None)
  7. "site_brand": "ShariX Platform",
  8. # Logo to use for your site, must be present in static files, used for brand on top left
  9. "site_logo": "SharixAdmin/img/logo.png",
  10. # Logo to use for your site, must be present in static files, used for login form logo (defaults to site_logo)
  11. "login_logo": None,
  12. # Logo to use for login form in dark themes (defaults to login_logo)
  13. "login_logo_dark": None,
  14. # CSS classes that are applied to the logo above
  15. "site_logo_classes": "img-circle",
  16. # Relative path to a favicon for your site, will default to site_logo if absent (ideally 32x32 px)
  17. "site_icon": None,
  18. # Welcome text on the login screen
  19. "welcome_sign": "Welcome to the ShariX Admin",
  20. # Copyright on the footer
  21. "copyright": "Acme Library Ltd",
  22. # List of model admins to search from the search bar, search bar omitted if excluded
  23. # If you want to use a single search field you dont need to use a list, you can use a simple string
  24. "search_model": ["SharixAdmin.SharixUser"],
  25. # Field name on user model that contains avatar ImageField/URLField/Charfield or a callable that receives the user
  26. "user_avatar": "",
  27. ############
  28. # Top Menu #
  29. ############
  30. # Links to put along the top menu
  31. "topmenu_links": [
  32. # Url that gets reversed (Permissions can be added)
  33. {"name": "Главная", "url": "admin:index", "permissions": ["auth.view_user"]},
  34. # external url that opens in a new window (Permissions can be added)
  35. #{"name": "Support", "url": "https://github.com/farridav/django-jazzmin/issues", "new_window": True},
  36. # model admin to link to (Permissions checked against model)
  37. {"model": "SharixAdmin.SharixUser"},
  38. # App with dropdown menu to all its models pages (Permissions checked against models)
  39. {"app": "tickets"},
  40. ],
  41. #############
  42. # User Menu #
  43. #############
  44. # Additional links to include in the user menu on the top right ("app" url type is not allowed)
  45. # "usermenu_links": [
  46. # {"name": "Support", "url": "https://github.com/farridav/django-jazzmin/issues", "new_window": True},
  47. # {"model": "SharixAdmin.SharixUser"}
  48. # ],
  49. # #############
  50. # # Side Menu #
  51. # #############
  52. # # Whether to display the side menu
  53. # "show_sidebar": True,
  54. # # Whether to aut expand the menu
  55. # "navigation_expanded": True,
  56. # # Hide these apps when generating side menu e.g (auth)
  57. # "hide_apps": [],
  58. # # Hide these models when generating side menu (e.g auth.user)
  59. # "hide_models": [],
  60. # # List of apps (and/or models) to base side menu ordering off of (does not need to contain all apps/models)
  61. # #"order_with_respect_to": ["auth", "books", "books.author", "books.book"],
  62. # # Custom links to append to app groups, keyed on app name
  63. # "custom_links": {
  64. # "tickets": [{
  65. # "name": "Make Messages",
  66. # "url": "make_messages",
  67. # "icon": "fas fa-comments",
  68. # "permissions": ["tickets.view_book"]
  69. # }]
  70. # },
  71. # # Custom icons for side menu apps/models See https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&m=free&v=5.0.0,5.0.1,5.0.10,5.0.11,5.0.12,5.0.13,5.0.2,5.0.3,5.0.4,5.0.5,5.0.6,5.0.7,5.0.8,5.0.9,5.1.0,5.1.1,5.2.0,5.3.0,5.3.1,5.4.0,5.4.1,5.4.2,5.13.0,5.12.0,5.11.2,5.11.1,5.10.0,5.9.0,5.8.2,5.8.1,5.7.2,5.7.1,5.7.0,5.6.3,5.5.0,5.4.2
  72. # # for the full list of 5.13.0 free icon classes
  73. "icons": {
  74. "auth": "fas fa-users-cog",
  75. "auth.user": "fas fa-user",
  76. "auth.Group": "fas fa-users",
  77. "SharixAdmin": "fas fa-users-cog",
  78. "SharixAdmin.SharixUser": "fas fa-user",
  79. "tickets.Task": "fas fa-check",
  80. "tickets.TaskList": "fas fa-list",
  81. "tickets.Comment": "fas fa-comment",
  82. "tickets.Attachment": "fas fa-file",
  83. },
  84. # # Icons that are used when one is not manually specified
  85. # # "default_icon_parents": "fas fa-chevron-circle-right",
  86. # # "default_icon_children": "fas fa-circle",
  87. # #################
  88. # # Related Modal #
  89. # #################
  90. # # Use modals instead of popups
  91. # "related_modal_active": False,
  92. # #############
  93. # # UI Tweaks #
  94. # #############
  95. # # Relative paths to custom CSS/JS scripts (must be present in static files)
  96. "custom_css": None,
  97. "custom_js": None,
  98. # Whether to link font from fonts.googleapis.com (use custom_css to supply font otherwise)
  99. "use_google_fonts_cdn": True,
  100. # # Whether to show the UI customizer on the sidebar
  101. "show_ui_builder": True,
  102. ###############
  103. # Change view #
  104. ###############
  105. # Render out the change view as a single form, or in tabs, current options are
  106. # - single
  107. # - horizontal_tabs (default)
  108. # - vertical_tabs
  109. # - collapsible
  110. # - carousel
  111. #"changeform_format": "horizontal_tabs",
  112. # override change forms on a per modeladmin basis
  113. #"changeform_format_overrides": {"SharixAdmin.SharixUser": "collapsible", "auth.group": "vertical_tabs"},
  114. # Add a language dropdown into the admin
  115. #"language_chooser": True,
  116. }
  118. "navbar_small_text": True,
  119. "footer_small_text": True,
  120. "body_small_text": False,
  121. "brand_small_text": True,
  122. "brand_colour": "navbar-light",
  123. "accent": "accent-navy",
  124. "navbar": "navbar-navy navbar-dark",
  125. "no_navbar_border": False,
  126. "navbar_fixed": False,
  127. "layout_boxed": False,
  128. "footer_fixed": False,
  129. "sidebar_fixed": True,
  130. "sidebar": "sidebar-light-navy",
  131. "sidebar_nav_small_text": False,
  132. "sidebar_disable_expand": False,
  133. "sidebar_nav_child_indent": False,
  134. "sidebar_nav_compact_style": True,
  135. "sidebar_nav_legacy_style": False,
  136. "sidebar_nav_flat_style": False,
  137. "theme": "default",
  138. "dark_mode_theme": None,
  139. "button_classes": {
  140. "primary": "btn-outline-primary",
  141. "secondary": "btn-outline-secondary",
  142. "info": "btn-outline-info",
  143. "warning": "btn-outline-warning",
  144. "danger": "btn-outline-danger",
  145. "success": "btn-outline-success"
  146. },
  147. "actions_sticky_top": False
  148. }