123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314 |
- /*
- SVGKImage
- The main class in SVGKit - this is the one you'll normally interact with
- c.f. SVGKit.h for more info on using SVGKit
- What is an SVGKImage?
- An SVGKImage is as close to "the SVG version of a UIImage" as we could possibly get. We cannot
- subclass UIImage because Apple has defined UIImage as immutable - and SVG images actually change
- (each time you zoom in, we want to re-render the SVG as a higher-resolution set of pixels)
- We use the exact same method names as UIImage, and try to be literally as identical as possible.
- Creating an SVGKImage:
- - PREFERRED: use the "imageNamed:" method
- - CUSTOM SVGKSource class: use the "initWithSource:" method
- - CUSTOM PARSING: Parse using SVGKParser, then send the parse-result to "initWithParsedSVG:"
- Data:
- - UIImage: not supported yet: will be a cached UIImage that is re-generated on demand. Will enable us to implement an SVGKImageView
- that works as a drop-in replacement for UIImageView
- - DOMTree: the SVG DOM spec, the root element of a tree of SVGElement subclasses
- - CALayerTree: the root element of a tree of CALayer subclasses
- - size: as per the UIImage.size, returns a size in Apple Points (i.e. 320 == width of iPhone, irrespective of Retina)
- - scale: ??? unknown how we'll define this, but could be useful when doing auto-re-render-on-zoom
- - svgWidth: the internal SVGLength used to generate the correct .size
- - svgHeight: the internal SVGLength used to generate the correct .size
- - rootElement: the SVGSVGElement instance that is the root of the parse SVG tree. Use this to access the full SVG document
- */
- #import "SVGKDefine.h"
- #import "SVGKParser.h" // needed for asynchronous loading method-signature
- @class SVGDocument;
- @class SVGSVGElement;
- @class SVGKSource;
- @class SVGKParseResult;
- #define ENABLE_GLOBAL_IMAGE_CACHE_FOR_SVGKIMAGE_IMAGE_NAMED 1 // if ENABLED, then ALL instances created with imageNamed: are shared, and are NEVER RELEASED
- @class SVGDefsElement;
- @class SVGKImage; // needed for typedef below
- typedef void (^SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate)(SVGKImage* loadedImage, SVGKParseResult* parseResult );
- @interface SVGKImage : NSObject // doesn't extend UIImage because Apple made UIImage immutable
- {
- BOOL cameFromGlobalCache;
- #endif
- }
- /** Generates an image on the fly
- NB you can get MUCH BETTER performance using the methods such as exportUIImageAntiAliased and exportNSDataAntiAliased
- */
- @property (weak, nonatomic, readonly) UIImage* UIImage;
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) SVGKSource* source;
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) SVGKParseResult* parseErrorsAndWarnings;
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) SVGDocument* DOMDocument;
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) SVGSVGElement* DOMTree; // needs renaming + (possibly) replacing by DOMDocument
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) CALayer* CALayerTree;
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString* nameUsedToInstantiate;
- #endif
- #pragma mark - methods to quick load an SVG as an image
- /**
- This is the preferred method for loading SVG files.
- Like Apple's [UIImage imageNamed:] method, it has a global cache of loaded SVG files to greatly
- increase performance. Unlike UIImage, SVGKImage's tend to be light in memory usage, but if needed,
- you can disable this at compile-time by setting ENABLE_GLOBAL_IMAGE_CACHE_FOR_SVGKIMAGE_IMAGE_NAMED to 0.
- As of SVGKit 1.2.0, this method:
- - Finds the SVG file (adding .svg extension if missing) in the App's sandboxed Documents folder
- - If that's missing, it finds the same file in the App's Bundle (i.e. the files stored at compile-time by Xcode, and shipped as the app)
- - Creates an SVGKSource so that you can later inspect exactly where it found the file
- */
- + (SVGKImage *)imageNamed:(NSString *)name;
- + (SVGKImage *)imageNamed:(NSString *)name inBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle;
- /**
- Almost identical to imageNamed: except that it performs the parse in a separate thread.
- Returns an SVGKParser object that you can cancel, or inspect for progress (using parser.currentParseRun)
- UNLESS the image was already loaded, and a cached version can be returned - in which case,
- returns nil and immmediately calls the completion block
- */
- +(SVGKParser *) imageAsynchronouslyNamed:(NSString *)name onCompletion:(SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate) blockCompleted;
- + (SVGKImage *)imageWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path;
- + (SVGKImage *)imageWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)url;
- + (SVGKParser*) imageParserWithContentsOfFileAsynchronously:(NSString *)aPath onCompletion:(SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate)blockCompleted;
- + (SVGKImage*) imageWithContentsOfFileAsynchronously:(NSString *)aPath onCompletion:(SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate)blockCompleted;
- /**
- PREFERABLY: these are our only method, apart from the convenience "imageNamed"
- Creating an SVG from raw data; this is not recommended: SVG requires knowledge
- of at least the URL where it came from (as it can contain relative file-links internally).
- If you need to create an SVG e.g. directly from raw bytes, then you MUST use
- this method and ADDITIONALLY wrap your data into an SVGKSource.
- This is because SVG's cannot parse correctly without the metadata about where
- the file came from: e.g. they cannot process relative links, cross-references, etc.
- */
- +(SVGKImage*) imageWithData:(NSData *)newNSData; // if you have custom source's you want to use
- + (SVGKParser*) imageParserWithDataAsynchronously:(NSData *)newNSData onCompletion:(SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate)blockCompleted;
- + (SVGKImage*) imageWithDataAsynchronously:(NSData *)newNSData onCompletion:(SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate)blockCompleted;
- /**
- PREFERABLY: these are our only method, apart from the convenience "imageNamed"
- The first one is synchronous, the second is asynchronous.
- If you need to create an SVG e.g. directly from raw bytes, then you MUST use
- this method and ADDITIONALLY wrap your data into an SVGKSource.
- This is because SVG's cannot parse correctly without the metadata about where
- the file came from: e.g. they cannot process relative links, cross-references, etc.
- */
- +(SVGKImage*) imageWithSource:(SVGKSource *)newSource; // if you have custom source's you want to use
- /**
- This is the asynchronous version of imageWithSource:
- */
- +(SVGKParser *) imageWithSource:(SVGKSource *)source onCompletion:(SVGKImageAsynchronousLoadingDelegate)blockCompleted;
- - (id)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path;
- - (id)initWithData:(NSData *)data;
- #pragma mark - UIImage methods cloned and re-implemented as SVG intelligent methods
- /** NB: if an SVG defines no limits to itself - neither a viewbox, nor an <svg width=""> nor an <svg height=""> - and
- you have not explicitly given the SVGKImage instance a "user defined size" (by setting .size) ... then there is NO
- LEGAL SIZE VALUE for self.size to return, and it WILL ASSERT!
- Use this method to double-check, before calling .size, whether it's going to give you a legal value safely
- */
- -(BOOL) hasSize;
- /**
- NB: always call "hasSize" before calling this method; some SVG's may have NO DEFINED SIZE, and so
- the .size method could return an invalid value (c.f. the hasSize method for details on how to
- workaround that issue)
- SVG's are infinitely scalable, by definition - but authors can OPTIONALLY set a "preferred size".
- Also, we allow you to set an explicit "this is the size I'm going to render at, deal with it" size,
- which will OVERRIDE the author's own size (if they configured one), and force the SVG to resize itself
- to fit your dictated size.
- (NB: this is as per the spec, so it's OK)
- NOTE: if you change this property, it will invalidate any cached render-data, and all future
- renders will be done at this pixel-size/pixel-resolution
- NOTE: when you read the .UIImage property of this class, it generates a bitmap using the
- current value of this property (or x2 if retina display) -- and if you've never set the
- property, it will use the de-facto value obtained by reading the SVG file and looking for
- author-dictated size, etc
- */
- @property(nonatomic) CGSize size;
- /**
- TODO: From UIImage. Not needed, I think?
- @property(nonatomic,readonly) CIImage *CIImage __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_5_0); // returns underlying CIImage or nil if CGImageRef based
- */
- // the these draw the image 'right side up' in the usual coordinate system with 'point' being the top-left.
- - (void)drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point; // mode = kCGBlendModeNormal, alpha = 1.0
- #pragma mark - unsupported / unimplemented UIImage methods (should add as a feature)
- /**
- According to SVG Spec, default scale is "1.0", and the correct way to resize/scale an image is by:
- 1. setting an explicit "<svg width="..." height="...">"
- ...or, alternatively, you can do:
- 1. setting an explicit "<svg viewbox="..."
- (in which case, we'll use the viewbox width + height as stand-ins for your missing <svg width="" height="")
- Either way, you should also do:
- 2. set an explicit SVGKImage.size = "..."
- However, there are cases where none of those are possible. e.g. because your SVG file is badly written and missing
- both of those bits of data. So, to support these situations, we allow you to set a global "scale" that will be applied
- to your SVG file *if and only if* it has no explicit viewbox / width+height
- */
- @property(nonatomic) CGFloat scale;
- - (void)drawAtPoint:(CGPoint)point blendMode:(CGBlendMode)blendMode alpha:(CGFloat)alpha;
- - (void)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect; // mode = kCGBlendModeNormal, alpha = 1.0
- - (void)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect blendMode:(CGBlendMode)blendMode alpha:(CGFloat)alpha;
- - (void)drawAsPatternInRect:(CGRect)rect; // draws the image as a CGPattern
- // animated images. When set as UIImageView.image, animation will play in an infinite loop until removed. Drawing will render the first image
- + (UIImage *)animatedImageNamed:(NSString *)name duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration ;//__OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_5_0); read sequnce of files with suffix starting at 0 or 1
- + (UIImage *)animatedResizableImageNamed:(NSString *)name capInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)capInsets duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration ;//__OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_5_0); // squence of files
- + (UIImage *)animatedImageWithImages:(NSArray *)images duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration ;//__OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_5_0);
- #endif
- /**
- TODO: From UIImage. Not needed, I think?
- @property(nonatomic,readonly) NSArray *images __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_5_0); // default is nil for non-animated images
- @property(nonatomic,readonly) NSTimeInterval duration __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_5_0); // total duration for all frames. default is 0 for non-animated images
- */
- #pragma mark ---------end of unsupported items
- #pragma mark - core methods for interacting with an SVG image usefully (not from UIImage)
- /*! If you want to provide a custom SVGKSource */
- - (id)initWithSource:(SVGKSource *)source;
- /*! If you already have a parsed SVG, and just want to upgrade it to an SVGKImage
- This is the designated initialiser used by all other init methods
- NB: this is frequently used if you have to add custom SVGKParserExtensions to parse an
- SVG which contains custom tags
- */
- - (id)initWithParsedSVG:(SVGKParseResult *)parseResult fromSource:(SVGKSource*) parseSource;
- /*! Creates a new instance each time you call it. This should ONLY be used if you specifically need to duplicate
- the CALayer's (e.g. because you want to render a temporary clone of the CALayers somewhere else on screen,
- and you're going to modify them).
- For all other use-cases, you should probably use the .CALayerTree property, which is automatically cached between
- calls - but MUST NOT be altered!
- */
- -(CALayer *)newCALayerTree;
- /*! uses the current .CALayerTree property to find the layer, recursing down the tree (or creates a new
- CALayerTree on demand, and caches it)
- i.e. this takes advantage of the cached CALayerTree instance, and also correctly uses the SVG.viewBox info
- that was used when generating the original CALayerTree
- */
- - (CALayer *)layerWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;
- /*! uses the current .CALayerTree property to find the layer, recursing down the tree (or creates a new
- CALayerTree on demand, and caches it)
- i.e. this takes advantage of the cached CALayerTree instance, and also correctly uses the SVG.viewBox info
- that was used when generating the original CALayerTree
- */
- - (CALayer *)layerWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier layer:(CALayer *)layer;
- /*! As for layerWithIdentifier: but works out the absolute position of the layer,
- effectively pulling it out of the layer-tree (the newly created layer has NO SUPERLAYER,
- because it no longer needs one)
- Useful for extracting individual features from an SVG
- WARNING: will assert if you supply a nil identifier string
- WARNING: some SVG editors (e.g. Adobe Illustrator) don't bother creating an 'id' attribute for every node (the spec allows this,
- but strongly discourages it). Inkscape does the right thing and generates an automatic 'id' for every node. If you are loading
- docs that have many 'anonymous' nodes, you'll need to get actual pointer refs to the layers you need to work with, and use the
- alternate version of this method.
- */
- -(CALayer*) newCopyPositionedAbsoluteLayerWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;
- /*! As for layerWithIdentifier: but works out the absolute position of the layer,
- effectively pulling it out of the layer-tree (the newly created layer has NO SUPERLAYER,
- because it no longer needs one)
- Useful for extracting individual features from an SVG
- Note that this ONLY clones the layer, does NOT include its sublayers. If you want to get a copy that includes
- the sublayers, use [self newCopyPositionedAbsoluteOfLayer:withSubLayers:TRUE]
- */
- -(CALayer*) newCopyPositionedAbsoluteOfLayer:(CALayer *)originalLayer;
- /**
- As for newCopyPositionedAbsoluteOfLayer:, but allows you to choose between 1 layer only (default)
- or a recursive copy which includes all sublayers.
- Only the root/parent layer will be positioned absolute - all the sublayers will still be relatively-positioned
- within their parents.
- */
- -(CALayer*) newCopyPositionedAbsoluteOfLayer:(CALayer *)originalLayer withSubLayers:(BOOL) recursive;
- /*! returns all the individual CALayer's in the full layer tree, indexed by the SVG identifier of the SVG node that created that layer */
- - (NSDictionary*) dictionaryOfLayers;
- #pragma mark - Useful bonus methods, will probably move to a different class at some point
- /** alters the SVG image's size directly (by changing the viewport) so that it will fit inside the specifed area without stretching or deforming */
- -(void) scaleToFitInside:(CGSize) maxSize;
- @end